Sunday, March 1, 2020

Consider these 10 Strong Buy Stocks in March

MarketBeat - Empowering Individual Investors to Make Better Trading Decisions
Good evening -

While the stock market has hit some turmoil in the last couple of weeks, very few investors would call the S&P 500 undervalued. Finding cheap stocks to buy now isn't easy, even with the recent pullback.

This goes for both share price, since most stocks are trading higher on a per-share basis, and valuation relative to earnings. Right now, the typical S&P 500 company is trading at about 33 times forward-looking earnings. Historically, S&P 500 companies have traded at about 15 times earnings in more normal markets.

While the S&P 500 as a whole is expensive compared to historical measures, there are still a handful undervalued stocks that are trading at less than $10.00 per share. Opportunities for value exist if you know where to look. Putting together a list of cheap stocks to buy now requires looking into some smaller, riskier, unloved or undiscovered parts of the market.

Some of these companies are great ideas because they're too small and too risky to attract the interest of most mutual funds and professional money managers. Others have been beat up by the market after a period of slowing earnings and profits, but are now working to turn around and bounce back.

Each of these 10 stock picks all share a common characteristic, a super-low share price of $10.00 or less.

Click Here to View These 10 Stocks

Matthew Paulson

View our ten cheap stocks to buy now here.

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