Thursday, June 1, 2023

A lucky, lucky girl

Skimm'd with new summer tops — Check out what we Skimm'd for you today
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"Bart Simpson"

The character balloon mistaken for a UFO. D'oh.

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The Story

This Pride Month, many are raising alarms about LGBTQIA+ rights in the US. 

Catch me up.

For years, June's celebrated Pride Month with parades and festivals all around the country, including in NYC and San Francisco. However, there's a growing shadow over the celebrations this year.

What's the latest?

The ACLU reported it's tracking 491 bills restricting LGBTQIA+ rights. The measures range from banning gender-affirming care and drag shows to restricting bathroom access and who can play on sports teams. Republican state leaders say the restrictions protect children. LGBTQIA+ advocates and families say the laws are detrimental to kids' physical and mental health. Meanwhile, anti-LGBTQIA+ sentiment has also fueled backlash against Bud Light and Target. It's all got LGBTQIA+ activists calling for more inclusivity protections.

Any good news?

There's still a reason to celebrate. Just last month, the FDA updated its rules to allow more gay and bisexual men to donate blood. Illinois apparently passed a trio of bills that push the state towards gender inclusivity. Latvia is celebrating its first ever openly-gay president. While some canceled their Pride Month plans, millions more in metropolitan areas across the US are moving forward with their parades — like they have for decades. 


The LGBTQIA+ community has been fighting for equality and access for years. Now, this Pride Month, many are reflecting on how that progress may be in jeopardy as states issue bans and restrictions.

Eyes On: The Debt Ceiling

Last night, the Republican-led House overwhelmingly passed the debt ceiling bill with a 314-117 vote. Here's how things went:

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and President Biden's deal got the approval of 165 Democrats and 149 Republicans. McCarthy faced an uphill battle ahead of the vote amid opposition from far-right GOP lawmakers, who wanted more spending cuts. (Here's a reminder of what's in the bill.) However, Democrats stepped in to help carry the bill over the lower chamber's finish line days ahead of the June 5 deadline.

Now, the legislation heads to the Democratic-led Senate, which is expected to get started on the voting process as soon as today.

And Also...This

Where there are updates on abortion…

Oklahoma. Yesterday, the state's Supreme Court struck down two anti-abortion laws that would've required a "medical emergency" before a doctor could perform the procedure. The court also said it was unconstitutional to encourage private citizens to sue others who performed or helped someone get an abortion. Gov. Kevin Stitt (R-OK) said the court has "more over-involved itself in the state's democratic process." Doctors applauded the decision. Despite the ruling, the state's near-total abortion ban remains in effect.

  • Out West: Earlier this week, Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo (R) signed legislation that protects the abortion rights of out-of-state patients and in-state providers. He is reportedly the first Republican governor to do so.

What couldn't "ding dong ditch" itself out of this one…

Ring. Yesterday, its parent company, Amazon, reached a $5.8 million settlement with the FTC. It comes after the agency alleged that Amazon committed privacy violations when it gave Ring employees access to customer videos. As part of a separate settlement, Amazon will also have to delete inactive child accounts and some voice recordings from Alexa devices. The online retailer denied the FTC's claims but said "these settlements put these matters behind us."

Who was found guilty…

Danny Masterson. Yesterday, a Los Angeles jury found the "That '70s Show" actor guilty of two out of three counts of rape. The retrial case involved three women who accused the actor of drugging their drinks and raping them at his home between 2001 and 2003. The women — who along with Masterson were all part of the Church of Scientology — said the church's teachings discouraged them from coming forward earlier. Now, Masterson faces up to 30 years to life in prison.

Whose short king summer is getting started…

Jason Oppenheim's.

Who's back Just Like That…

Samantha Jones.

Ask an Expert
Together with laurel road

Q: I saw the House passed a bill to block President Biden's student loan forgiveness plan. Based on the current repayment options, which one is best?

Alyssa Schaefer: There's no one-size-fits-all approach. Federal student loan borrowers could explore Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) plans. If they work for the gov or a qualifying non-profit, they could be eligible for the 10-year Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. Plus, with federal student loans, you can adjust your repayment approach at any time if your financial or employment situation changes. Private student loan borrowers, meanwhile, can explore refinancing to get a lower rate. Pro tip: A GradFin student loan specialist can analyze your situation for free and create a plan just for you.

Alyssa Schaefer 

General Manager and Chief Experience Officer at digital banking platform Laurel Road. Her answer has been edited for length and clarity.

What If We Talked Openly About Child Care?

We all know child care in the US is broken. It's unaffordable, hard to access, and women pay the price – $295,000 in lifetime lost earning and retirement savings, on average. Yet federal lawmakers have regularly refused to improve it

Why? In part because caregiving often goes unseen, a struggle individual families and women deal with on their own. Case in point: Even women at the highest career levels, who can afford paid child care, often don't talk about it.

So no one sees how much help it takes for a mother to succeed professionally, and women at all levels blame themselves when they can't make it work. 

It's time we talk openly about our private struggles. Whatever your child care looks like, we want to hear from you. What would happen if women spoke out about what caring for our families costs each of us — financially, professionally, emotionally? What if we demanded that policy makers change that? Take this survey to show us your child care, and let's find out.


Here are today's recs to help you live a smarter life…

1. Nicole Kidman-approved serum that's practically magic.

This anti-aging formula starts working as soon as it's applied, getting deep beneath the skin to reduce wrinkles instantly. Leaving you with smooth, lifted skin. Talk about a game-changer. Psst…Skimm'rs get 25% off.*

2. A must-watch video about self-love, building healthy habits, and rainbow poke bowls.

In honor of WeightWatchers' 60th birthday, we tapped a dynamic mother-daughter duo to serve up life advice, self-care practices, and one of their favorite lunch recipes.* 

3. What we think after wearing shoes from Rothy's.

Skimm Tested is back. We walked around in Rothy's shoes (loafers, flats, and sneakers) for six weeks and we have some thoughts.

4. Our favorite books coming out this summer.

Prepare your TBR pile for a serious boost, and get reading.


We like to celebrate the wins, big and small. Let us know how your friends, neighbors, coworkers (and yes, even you) are making career moves, checking off goals, or making an impact in the community.

Putting in the work…Wanda D (NY). She's raising awareness on An anti-racist platform that helps educate others with programs and resources.

(Some) Birthdays…Shauna Nagpal (NY), Sandy FitzGerald (MA), Nicole Dalakas (CA), Alexandra Stewart (FL), Jacquelyn Behan (NY), Sharon Fenicle (PA), Katie McKenna (NJ), Abby Miller (IL), Alexandrea Bailey (AL), Marilyn Sullivan (TX), Annie Dang (NY), Rachael Pendleton (CA), Virginia Williams (NY)

PS: Paging all members of theSkimm. Reach out here for a chance to be featured.


Proclamation à l’occasion du Mois national du patrimoine caribéen-américain 2023

Department of State United States of America

Traduction fournie par le département d'État des États-Unis à titre gracieux

La Maison-Blanche
Le 31 mai 2023

Pendant le Mois du patrimoine caribéen-américain, nous célébrons les réalisations et les rêves des millions de personnes d'origine caribéenne qui vivent actuellement aux États-Unis et honorent l'histoire commune de joie et de persévérance qui unit et enrichit la vie dans l'ensemble de notre région depuis des siècles.

Il n'y a pas d'identité caribéenne unique. Le mélange de cultures, de langues et de religions aux États-Unis et dans les îles témoigne de la diversité d'expression culturelle qui définit l'histoire américaine. Nos pays sont par ailleurs liés par des valeurs et une histoire communes – surmonter le joug du colonialisme, affronter le péché originel de l'esclavage et ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles opportunités à travers les frontières et les générations.

Depuis notre fondation, les Caribéens-Américains, d'Alexander Hamilton à Colin Powell, ont apporté des contributions aux États-Unis de la manière la plus profonde. Aujourd'hui, des pionniers comme la juge de la Cour suprême Sonia Sotomayor continuent de faire progresser notre travail vers une Union plus parfaite. Je suis particulièrement fier des dirigeants extraordinaires d'ascendance caribéenne qui servent actuellement au sein de mon administration, de la vice-présidente Kamala Harris au secrétaire à l'Éducation Miguel Cardona, en passant par le secrétaire à la Sécurité intérieure Alejandro Mayorkas et la porte-parole de la Maison-Blanche Karine Jean-Pierre. Et je suis tout aussi fier des générations de Caribéens-Américains qui ont littéralement construit ce pays, apportant un espoir et une énergie formidables à la tête de petites entreprises, dans l'enseignement, le secteur de la santé, dans les forces armées, au sein des organisations syndicales, à la tête de groupes communautaires et bien plus.

Pendant trop longtemps, trop de personnes ont dû faire face à des obstacles systémiques à la réussite. En tant que président, j'ai publié deux décrets distincts pour changer cela, et travaillé à faire progresser la justice raciale dans toutes les politiques que mon administration met en œuvre. Nous avons adopté des lois historiques pour reconstruire les infrastructures de notre pays, réduire les coûts des médicaments, mettre en place une économie basée sur une énergie propre et transformer le secteur manufacturier américain pour assumer à nouveau un rôle de leader dans le monde, tout cela dans un souci d'équité, en reconstruisant notre économie à partir du milieu et de bas en haut. Nous avons ainsi créé 12,7 millions d'emplois, de sorte que le chômage des Afro-Américains et des Latinos est à un niveau plus bas que jamais, et nous avons aidé des millions de personnes à démarrer et à développer leur propre entreprise. Nous utilisons par ailleurs tous les outils dont nous disposons pour rendre le système d'immigration défaillant de notre nation aussi ordonné, sûr et humain que possible. Nous envoyons un soutien à la frontière tout en élargissant les voies légales susceptibles de permettre aux Cubains, Haïtiens, Nicaraguayens et Vénézuéliens, entre autres, de venir aux États-Unis sans faire un voyage dangereux jusqu'à notre frontière sud. Ce dont nous avons vraiment besoin, c'est que le Congrès adopte enfin une réforme globale de l'immigration, qui prévoie une voie vers la citoyenneté pour les Dreamers, les travailleurs agricoles et essentiels, et les titulaires de statuts temporaires, dont beaucoup sont originaires des Caraïbes. Je ne cesserai pas d'exhorter le Congrès à agir.

Au-delà de nos frontières, nous travaillons avec nos partenaires des Caraïbes pour élargir les opportunités et assurer la sécurité de la région afin que davantage de nos voisins puissent construire leur vie chez eux. Nous nous sommes associés à la Communauté des Caraïbes (CARICOM) en novembre 2022 pour lancer l'unité de renseignement sur la criminalité par armes à feu (Crime Gun Intelligence Unit) et perturber le trafic d'armes à feu dans la région. Nous nous efforçons également d'améliorer l'accès au financement du développement et de promouvoir des projets d'énergie propre dans les Caraïbes par le biais du partenariat États-Unis-Caraïbes pour faire face à la crise climatique à l'horizon 2030.

L'idée selon laquelle nous sommes tous créés égaux et méritons d'être traités de manière égale tout au long de notre vie est une promesse essentielle de ce pays. C'est une pierre angulaire de notre patrimoine commun sur ce continent, alors même que nous continuons à nous efforcer de concrétiser enfin cette vision. Le Mois du patrimoine caribéen-américain est l'occasion de célébrer la riche diversité que l'alliance nous a apportée et de renouveler sa promesse pour les générations futures d'Américains-Caribéens et pour nous toutes et tous.

PAR CONSÉQUENT, JE SOUSSIGNÉ JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., président des États-Unis d'Amérique, en vertu de l'autorité qui m'est conférée par la constitution et les lois des États-Unis, déclare par la présente le mois de juin 2023 Mois national du patrimoine caribéen-américain. J'encourage tous les Américains à se joindre à moi pour célébrer l'histoire, la culture et les accomplissements des Américains d'origine caribéenne dans le cadre de cérémonies et d'activités adaptées.

EN FOI DE QUOI, j'ai signé en ce trente-et-un mai de l'an de grâce deux mille vingt-trois, et le deux-cent quarante-septième de l'Indépendance des États-Unis d'Amérique.


Voir le contenu d'origine :

Nous vous proposons cette traduction à titre gracieux. Seul le texte original en anglais fait foi.


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Leveraging Tech For The Biggest Potential Win


One of my favorite QQQ indicators just gave me an example of clear sign on how to trade it and I wanted to send it right out to you. Read below for the chart that showed the signal in this example, why options offer great advantages for trading it, and an update on a previous trade example that offered 108% gain!!!

QQQ, or the Invesco QQQ Trust, is an exchange-traded fund that trades on the Nasdaq under the symbol QQQ. When I look for QQQ trades I want to know what the recent activity on the NASDAQ has been. Here is what I look at:

This chart image is courtesy of a free website and gives a quick view of each day’s movement. 

Check out this trading system that so-called "gurus" have been trying to copy for years. They hate that it has so much potential and is super easy--Click this link for details.

Next, I go to my Fibonnacci Exponential Moving Average (EMA) indicator on the QQQ chart. It is shown as three colored lines that help provide a visual of the direction QQQ is moving and the strength of that trend. It can also help me find a price target that I will use to build my trade. To get the nuts-and-bolts explanation of the EMA, click here.

How To Build This Potential Trade

In the highlighted area above, we see that QQQ is moving up. If the price rose to $351, you could consider a call trade. $360.00 is the short-term target.

Options allow us to keep the risk down and the potential profit up. To buy stock shares of QQQ today would cost approximately $350.89 per share (as I write this on Tuesday). If the price rose to $360 you would make about $9.11.

Let’s discuss a Call option trade for our example.  If you bought one call option that covered 100 share of QQQ for the 360 strike, it would cost about $4.58 for the June 16th expiration date. This would be an investment of $458. If the price rose the expected $9, you could expect to make approximately $4.50. This would be a $400 profit on your $458 investment, or 87% profit.

Option trading is truly unique in its ability to give traders the opportunity to trade an equity’s price move in either direction.

I have provided many trading examples and additional explanations of my favorite indicators on my site. Be sure to check it out here.

I wish you the very best,


Check out this trading system that so-called "gurus" have been trying to copy for years. They hate that it has so much potential and is super easy--Click this link for details.

Past potential trade update:

Last week we discussed buying QQQ calls. On 5-25 the premium for the June 16th 340 call was $7.02. On 5-30 the premium was $14.60, a 108% profit.

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Built-in 61.3% Profit Potential for AMZN Trade

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Results described in testimonials from other products or the product being offered may not be typical or representative of results achieved by other users of such products. No representation is being made that any of the persons who provide testimonials have continued to experience the same level of profitable trading after the date on which the testimonial was provided. In fact, such persons may have experienced losses immediately thereafter or may have experienced losses preceding the period of time referenced in the testimonial. No representation is being made that you will achieve profits or the same results as any person providing a testimonial. Wendy Kirkland's experiences are not typical. Wendy Kirkland is an experienced investor and your results will vary depending on risk tolerance, amount of risk capital utilized, size of trading position, willingness to follow the rules and other factors.

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مساعدات أمنية أمريكية إضافية لأوكرانيا

Department of State United States of America

ترجمة مقدمة من وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية

وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية
بيان لوزير الخارجية أنتوني ج. بلينكن
31 أيار/مايو 2023

تواصل روسيا شن حربها الوحشية وغير المبررة ضد أوكرانيا، وقد شنت خلال شهر أيار/مايو وحده 17 هجوما جويا على كييف، لتهدد بذلك الأسر الأوكرانية وتدمر المناطق المدنية. وستواصل الولايات المتحدة ردا على ذلك، العمل مع أوكرانيا لتعزيز دفاعاتها الجوية ومساعدتها على حماية شعبها من العدوان الروسي.

لقد أذنت اليوم بالسحب التاسع والثلاثين من الأسلحة والمعدات الأمريكية لأوكرانيا بموجب تفويض من الرئيس بايدن، مما سيوفر لأوكرانيا أسلحة ومعدات أمريكية بقيمة 300 مليون دولار.

وتتضمن حزمة المساعدات الأمنية هذه قدرات رئيسية للدفاع الجوي والمزيد من الذخيرة لنظام هيمارس وذخيرة المدفعية والأسلحة المضادة للدبابات وعشرات الآلاف من الطلقات لذخائر الأسلحة الصغيرة وغيرها من المعدات الميدانية الأساسية لتعزيز قدرة القوات الأوكرانية الباسلة في ساحة المعركة ومساعدتها على استعادة أراضيها ذات السيادة.

تستطيع روسيا وقف حربها غير العادلة اليوم. ستقف الولايات المتحدة وحلفاؤنا وشركاؤنا متحدين مع أوكرانيا مهما استغرق الأمر وإلى حين تقوم روسيا بوقف حربها.

للاطلاع على النص الأصلي:

هذه الترجمة هي خدمة مجانية، مع الأخذ بالاعتبار أن النص الانجليزي الأصلي هو النص الرسمي.

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