Sunday, November 1, 2020

اليوم الدولي لإنهاء الإفلات من العقاب على الجرائم المرتكبة ضد الصحفيين

Department of State United States of America

ترجمة مقدمة من وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية

للنشر الفوري

وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية
مكتب المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية
للنشر الفوري
بيان للمتحدثة باسم وزارة الخارجية مورغان أورتاغوس
1 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2020


الصحافة الحرة أساسية للمواطنين المطلعين، إذ تستطيع الصحافة القوية كشف الفساد على سبيل المثال وتسليط الضوء على انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان وتوفير المعلومات الأساسية للعامة أثناء الأزمات. ويكون الصحفيون الذين يؤدون هذا الدور الضروري في أماكن عدة معرضين لخطر الهجمات من قبل الأنظمة الاستبدادية والمنظمات الإجرامية التي تسعى إلى قمع حرية الصحافة وحرية التعبير. وقد تعرض أكثر من 1500 صحفي للقتل في مختلف أنحاء العالم منذ مطلع القرن وقد أفلت الجناة من العقاب في أكثر من 85% من الحالات.

يواجه الصحفيون في مختلف أنحاء العالم أيضا مضايقات وتهديدات واعتقالات تعسفية ومحاكمات ذات دوافع سياسية. وخلال وباء كوفيد-19، استخدمت الحكومات الاستبدادية في الصين وفنزويلا وإيران وأماكن أخرى الوباء كذريعة لتهديد الصحفيين واحتجازهم ومهاجمتهم. تواجه الصحفيات مخاطر محددة، بما في ذلك التصيد عبر الإنترنت والتشهير بالسمعة وتهديدات وأعمال عنف أخرى قائمة على النوع الاجتماعي.

تتيح الحكومات الإفلات من العقاب بتقاعسها عن إنصاف هذه الانتهاكات والجرائم ضد الصحفيين، وكذلك بارتكابها انتهاكات مماثلة. وتصنف المنظمات غير الحكومية الصين وكوريا الشمالية وتركمانستان من بين أسوأ دول العالم من حيث حرية الصحافة، بينما تعد سوريا والمكسيك من بين الدول الأكثر خطورة في هذا المجال. وتشير لجنة حماية الصحفيين إلى أن الصين وتركيا والمملكة العربية السعودية ومصر تسجن عددا أكبر من الصحفيين بسبب تقاريرهم مقارنة بالدول الأخرى.

في هذا اليوم الدولي لإنهاء الإفلات من العقاب على الجرائم المرتكبة ضد الصحفيين، تدعو الولايات المتحدة الحكومات إلى إجراء تحقيقات مستقلة وشفافة في التهديدات والاعتداءات وعمليات القتل عند وقوعها وإصلاح ممارسات الشرطة التي تسمح بإساءة معاملة الصحفيين وإلغاء القوانين والممارسات التي تحد من حريتهم في التعبير.

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USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for Alabama for 11/1/2020

Hello ,

Here are your newest search results for Alabama for 11/1/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.

Fee Basis Physician (Hospitalist / Emergency Medicine / Primary Care)

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Hiring Organization: Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System (CAVHCS)
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $50.00 to $200.00 / FB
Series and Grade: FB-0602-00
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-12-28
Position Information: Intermittent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

We only include up to 10 new search results in this email. To view the complete list of search results, please visit the USAJOBS website at View All Opportunities.

This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

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U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW. Washington, DC 20415

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USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for excepted service for 11/1/2020

Hello ,

Here are your newest search results for excepted service for 11/1/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.

Program Specialist

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Dayton, Ohio
Salary: $78,858.00 to $102,520.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0301-12
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-16
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Excepted service, Individuals with disabilities, Internal to an agency, Military spouses, Veterans, Special authorities

Physician (Neurology/Neuromuscular)

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Hiring Organization: VA Northern California Health Care System/Sacramento VA Medical Center
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Mather AFB, California
Salary: $107,569.00 to $260,000.00 / PA
Series and Grade: AD-0602-15
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-12-31
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Excepted service, Open to the public

We only include up to 10 new search results in this email. To view the complete list of search results, please visit the USAJOBS website at View All Opportunities.

This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

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U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW. Washington, DC 20415

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USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for open to the public for 11/1/2020

Hello ,

Here are your newest search results for open to the public for 11/1/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.


Department: Department of the Air Force
Agency:Air National Guard Units
Hiring Organization: 104FW BARNES ANGB, MA
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Westfield, Massachusetts
Salary: $42,094.00 to $49,107.00 / PA
Series and Grade: WG-6907-6
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-12-01
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Assist/Assoc/Professor of Computer Science

Department: Department of the Air Force
Agency:Air Force Materiel Command
Hiring Organization: Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Few vacancies - Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
Salary: $64,100.00 to $181,500.00 / PA
Series and Grade: AD-1501-22/24
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2021-01-04
Position Information: - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

CYP Program Assistant (Multilevel)

Department: Department of the Navy
Agency:Commander, Navy Installations
Hiring Organization: Naval District Washington
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Annapolis, Maryland
Salary: $31,179.20 to $39,166.40 / PH
Series and Grade: CY-1702-1/2
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Intermittent - 0-40 hours per week
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Social Worker (Local Recovery Coordinator)

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Iron Mountain, Michigan
Salary: $76,721.00 to $99,741.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0185-12
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-10
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Social Worker

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Gladstone, Michigan
Salary: $64,009.00 to $83,210.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0185-11
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-10
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

CYP Program Assistant (Multilevel)

Department: Department of the Navy
Agency:Commander, Navy Installations
Hiring Organization: Commander, Navy Installations Command
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland
Salary: $30,201.60 to $37,336.00 / PH
Series and Grade: CY-1702-1/2
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - Flexible hours 0-40 per week
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Border Patrol Agent (Direct Hire)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $49,016.00 to $77,484.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-7
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Customs and Border Protection Officer

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Location Negotiable After Selection, United States
Salary: $52,905.00 to $113,777.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1895-9
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Border Patrol Agent (Direct Hire)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $54,668.00 to $88,176.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-9
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Pubic Affairs Specialist

Department: Department of Agriculture
Agency:Forest Service
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Clovis, California
Salary: $76,721.00 to $91,231.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1035-12/13
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-16
Position Information: - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

We only include up to 10 new search results in this email. To view the complete list of search results, please visit the USAJOBS website at View All Opportunities.

This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

You're receiving this email because you signed up to get automated job search results from USAJOBS. To make changes or create more saved searches, sign into your USAJOBS account and click Saved Searches.

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U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW. Washington, DC 20415

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USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for california for 11/1/2020

Hello ,

Here are your newest search results for california for 11/1/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.

Border Patrol Agent (Direct Hire)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $49,016.00 to $77,484.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-7
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Border Patrol Agent

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $49,016.00 to $77,484.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-7
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Veterans

Customs and Border Protection Officer

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Location Negotiable After Selection, United States
Salary: $52,905.00 to $113,777.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1895-9
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Border Patrol Agent (Direct Hire)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $54,668.00 to $88,176.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-9
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Pubic Affairs Specialist

Department: Department of Agriculture
Agency:Forest Service
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Clovis, California
Salary: $76,721.00 to $91,231.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1035-12/13
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-16
Position Information: - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Border Patrol Agent (VRA)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $54,668.00 to $88,176.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-9
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Veterans


Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Hiring Organization: Air and Marine Operations
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $74,525.00 to $96,881.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1881-11
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public


Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Hiring Organization: Air and Marine Operations
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $54,668.00 to $70,541.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1801-9
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Physician (Neurology/Neuromuscular)

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Hiring Organization: VA Northern California Health Care System/Sacramento VA Medical Center
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Mather AFB, California
Salary: $107,569.00 to $260,000.00 / PA
Series and Grade: AD-0602-15
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-12-31
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Excepted service, Open to the public

Physician (Neurologist/Movement Disorders)

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Hiring Organization: VA Northern California Health Care System
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Mather AFB, California
Salary: $107,695.00 to $260,000.00 / PA
Series and Grade: VM-0602-15
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-12-31
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

We only include up to 10 new search results in this email. To view the complete list of search results, please visit the USAJOBS website at View All Opportunities.

This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

You're receiving this email because you signed up to get automated job search results from USAJOBS. To make changes or create more saved searches, sign into your USAJOBS account and click Saved Searches.

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U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW. Washington, DC 20415

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USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for veterans for 11/1/2020

Hello ,

Here are your newest search results for veterans for 11/1/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.

Border Patrol Agent

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $49,016.00 to $77,484.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-7
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Veterans

Border Patrol Agent (VRA)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $54,668.00 to $88,176.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-9
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Veterans

Supervisor Budget Analyst

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Reserve Command
Hiring Organization: 81st Readiness Division
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Fort Jackson, South Carolina
Salary: $91,231.00 to $118,603.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0560-13
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-10
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Family of overseas employees, Competitive service, Individuals with disabilities, Land & base management, Military spouses, Peace Corps & AmeriCorps Vista, Special authorities, Veterans

Statistical Assistant

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Accession Command
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Fort Meade, Maryland
Salary: $48,670.00 to $63,267.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1531-7
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-16
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Land & base management, Military spouses, Veterans


Department: Department of Defense
Agency:Defense Commissary Agency
Hiring Organization: Defense Commissary Agency
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Cannon AFB, New Mexico
Salary: $38,921.00 to $50,598.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1101-6
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-15
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Internal to an agency, Military spouses, Veterans

Program Specialist

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Dayton, Ohio
Salary: $78,858.00 to $102,520.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0301-12
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-16
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Excepted service, Individuals with disabilities, Internal to an agency, Military spouses, Veterans, Special authorities

We only include up to 10 new search results in this email. To view the complete list of search results, please visit the USAJOBS website at View All Opportunities.

This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

You're receiving this email because you signed up to get automated job search results from USAJOBS. To make changes or create more saved searches, sign into your USAJOBS account and click Saved Searches.

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U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW. Washington, DC 20415

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USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for competitive service for 11/1/2020

Hello ,

Here are your newest search results for competitive service for 11/1/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.

Supervisor Budget Analyst

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Reserve Command
Hiring Organization: 81st Readiness Division
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Fort Jackson, South Carolina
Salary: $91,231.00 to $118,603.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0560-13
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-10
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Family of overseas employees, Competitive service, Individuals with disabilities, Land & base management, Military spouses, Peace Corps & AmeriCorps Vista, Special authorities, Veterans

Statistical Assistant

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Accession Command
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Fort Meade, Maryland
Salary: $48,670.00 to $63,267.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1531-7
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-16
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Land & base management, Military spouses, Veterans

Budget Analyst

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Reserve Command
Hiring Organization: 108TH Training Command Inital Entry Training (IET)
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Charlotte, North Carolina
Salary: $64,832.00 to $84,280.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0560-11
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-10
Position Information: Temporary - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Military spouses

Program Specialist

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Dayton, Ohio
Salary: $78,858.00 to $102,520.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0301-12
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-16
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Excepted service, Individuals with disabilities, Internal to an agency, Military spouses, Veterans, Special authorities

We only include up to 10 new search results in this email. To view the complete list of search results, please visit the USAJOBS website at View All Opportunities.

This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

You're receiving this email because you signed up to get automated job search results from USAJOBS. To make changes or create more saved searches, sign into your USAJOBS account and click Saved Searches.

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U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW. Washington, DC 20415

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USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for Arizona for 11/1/2020

Hello ,

Here are your newest search results for Arizona for 11/1/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.

Border Patrol Agent (Direct Hire)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $49,016.00 to $77,484.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-7
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Border Patrol Agent

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $49,016.00 to $77,484.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-7
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Veterans

Border Patrol Agent (Direct Hire)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $54,668.00 to $88,176.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-9
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Border Patrol Agent (VRA)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - CBP - BPA Southwest, United States
Salary: $54,668.00 to $88,176.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GL-1896-9
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - May include rotating shifts, assignments, and overtime on a regular and recurring basis.
Who May Apply: Veterans


Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Hiring Organization: Air and Marine Operations
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $74,525.00 to $96,881.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1881-11
Open Period: 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-30
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

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This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

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China Box Office Propels 'Sacrifice' Past $100 Million

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November 01, 2020

China Box Office Propels 'Sacrifice' Past $100 Million

Patriotic and gritty war film "Sacrifice' dominates the Chinese box office weekend and advances its 10-day cumulative past $100 million.

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Nov 01, 2020
Follow 2020 live: FBI to probe Trump supporters surrounding Biden campaign bus and voters of color see ballots rejected at higher rates. Follow our live blog.

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