Sunday, March 9, 2025

[Welcome] A Word of Advice (1 of 6)



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Editor's Note: Hello!

As Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld mentioned, our team is thrilled that you've decided to join us here in Wealthy Retirement.

This is the first in a series of welcome emails to help you get acquainted with Marc, his background, his strategies, and what to expect each week.

To thank you for embarking on this journey with us, I want to offer you a special gift: the chance to claim Marc's Ultimate Dividend Package (featuring details on five of his favorite dividend stocks!)... for FREE.

Click here to learn more.

- James Ogletree, Managing Editor

A Word of Advice

Marc Lichtenfeld, Chief Income Strategist, The Oxford Club

Marc Lichtenfeld

My grandfather was born in 1904. He died more than 30 years ago, and he was my hero.

His life was the quintessential American Dream.

The son of immigrants, he was very poor as a child. He started working when he was 6 years old, selling newspapers on the corner (although the age always got younger every time he told the story). He went to high school, college, and grad school at night so he could help support his family during the day.

My grandmother would tell us how he would come home from night school exhausted, eat a bowl of cornflakes for a late dinner, and fall asleep at the table. And then do it again the next day. And the day after that...

He eventually got a good job, owned a couple of companies, and lived a prosperous life - enough that both of his kids chose jobs (in education) that they were passionate about, rather than picking a career for the money.

Nothing was more important to him than family. He helped support his mother, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law.

He was generous with his grandchildren too, but what I wanted most from him was his time.

You see, my grandfather owned a seat on the New York Stock Exchange through the brokerage firm that he ran with his brother and a third partner. Fortunately, before he died, I spoke with him about the markets and what he learned over the decades.


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Marc Lichtenfeld - income expert and author of Get Rich with Dividends - is giving away his Ultimate Dividend Package... completely free of charge!

You'll discover...

  • An "A"-rated, ultra-safe dividend stock with a huge 8% yield
  • Three of Marc's favorite "Extreme Dividend" stocks, which could supercharge your income
  • And finally, Marc's No. 1 dividend stock for a LIFETIME of income.

Click here to get the names and ticker symbols now... before the download link expires.


My grandfather was conservative. He didn't like to speculate. He saw too many of his customers go against his firm's guidance and get blown up.

He reminds me a bit of Warren Buffett when I think about the advice he gave me. The nuggets of wisdom that I remember most are these...

  • Buy good businesses

My grandfather was a certified public accountant and owned two companies in his life. One was a steel company that he bought; the other was the brokerage firm that he started.

I asked him what he knew about steel or running a brokerage when he began. He replied, "Nothing. I knew how to run a business."

He hired steel and brokerage industry experts. But he was very talented when it came to taxes and finance.

I've applied that lesson to the markets. Even though stocks can be used as trading vehicles, I buy the stocks of companies that are solid businesses and that are undervalued, have strong growth prospects, or both.

  • Invest for the long term

I can picture him shaking his head in disgust had he been around during the dot-com boom, seeing people jumping in and out of stocks and assuming they were market wizards.

He believed you buy great businesses and stocks and own them for years. Pretty simple.

  • Collect dividends

Like Buffett, he wanted his stocks to pay him dividends. By owning great businesses that paid dividends for years and years, my grandparents were able to enjoy a comfortable life in retirement.

And the strategy allowed my grandmother to remain in their beautiful Manhattan apartment until she passed, more than 10 years after he did.

Dividends are often (though not always) signs that a company is stable. Dividends can supplement your income or generate wealth when you reinvest them over time.

And when you invest in Perpetual Dividend Raisers - stocks that raise their dividends every year - you ensure that you're getting more income each year.

A "Wealth" of Knowledge

I've read lots of books about investing, but without a doubt the greatest lessons I've learned were from my grandfather.

Leading by example, he taught me how to be a husband, a father, and a man. Listening to him taught me some old-fashioned investing principles that are as effective today as they were when he was in the markets.

The greatest compliment I've ever gotten has come from people who knew my grandfather: They told me that I would have made him proud.

I try to follow his example every day of my life. As I share his conservative investing philosophy with all of you, I hope he's looking down and smiling.

Good investing,


P.S. To help you get started with your portfolio of Perpetual Dividend Raisers, I've assembled a special collection of resources I like to call my Ultimate Dividend Package. The wealth-building secrets contained in these reports and videos are available to you for free (no credit card, no nonsense) if you watch my short video.

Inside the package, you'll get my top dividend stocks and favorite strategies... so you can let your stocks PAY YOU while you sit back and enjoy life!

Here's what you'll find inside:

  • How you can lock in an ULTRA-SAFE 8% yield
  • My top three "Extreme Dividend" stocks, which could supercharge your dividend gains
  • The No. 1 dividend stock for a LIFETIME of income
  • How you can make money even if a stock goes DOWN... without options, shorting, or anything fancy
  • How you can turn a small dividend yield of even 2% into a 5%... 10%... even 20% yield on your initial investment... with one little trick.

>>> Go Here to Claim Your Free Ultimate Dividend Package! <<<

Gold at $2,500/Oz, but This Investment Gives You More for Just $20. How?

Get Marc's Top 5 Dividend Stocks (FREE PICKS)


New Earnings Season Rule Revealed

Nate Genius Trader

Multimillionaire trader reveals his #1 trading rule during earnings season...

And how his alternative method that beat the market by 1,700% in Q1.

See the new "rule"

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