Sunday, March 9, 2025

Rare Sunday briefing: Chris is targeting one top ticker tomorrow...

He’ll share details on how you can join him
About 5 months ago, expert trader Chris Pulver started leveraging a specific setup…

And despite the S&P only moving about 2.3% over the last 5 months...

Plus all the choppiness the market has seen...

The story has been different for Chris and a closed group of traders.

You see, they’ve been deploying this setup on just one ticker...

And on the last 18 trade alerts, it has produced 18 winners and 0 losses.

Just like it happened on January 27th…

Anyone who tagged along with Chris would’ve placed a quick at exactly 11:59 am…

And just a few hours later… 

$746 in extra income.

Sure, there are smaller wins and those that didn’t work out, but if you missed that one, don't sweat it.

Today at 1 p.m., I’ll be in the LIVE room to show you exactly how you can target $1,000 just by placing a quick 2-minute trade  — starting tomorrow.

Of course, we both know nothing is ever guaranteed in the markets…

But when you join him today, he’ll also show you ONE ticker he’s traded 18 times without recording a single loss.

Plus, you’ll see the results from a 550-trade backtesting study where we nailed a 97% win rate…

Naturally, no one can guarantee wins or prevent losses, but if you’d like to tag along for what could be the next big win…

Go here to snag your login link


Lance Ippolito

The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from an 11 year backtest on 550 trades. The result was a 97.1% win rate, 17% average return (winners and losers) with an average hold time of 11 days. Every “Weekly Windfall” targets roughly $1,000 in income based on $5,000. From 9/30/24 - 2/17/25 on 57 live trades published, the win rate is 93%, 12% average return, with an average hold time of 11 days.

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