Please correct the record before President Trump reviews the results.
 | The share of Republicans who say the country is headed in the right direction climbed to 77%, the highest since March 2020.
– Morning Consult Surveys
| | Friend,
With headlines like these it's no wonder the radical left is focused on "getting Trump" at all costs.
FIRST, they tried to sue his D.O.G.E. initiative into OBLIVION.
THEN, they threatened him with IMPEACHMENT – what a sick joke.
AND NOW, they're illegally boycotting American companies in hopes of tanking his economy!
But President Trump doesn't care what the HATERS AND LOSERS out there are saying.
He only cares about one opinion: YOURS!
That's why he went ahead and registered his Official Presidential Poll in YOUR NAME – he wants to hear from you directly! RESPOND TO TRUMP >>
| MAGA POLL | President Trump really does take the time to listen to the concerns of the American people.
He did it on the campaign trail.
He did it in his first administration.
And now he's doing it once again in his historic second term.
So if you want your voice to be heard in the fight to SAVE AMERICA, please take just 5 minutes to complete this TRUMP-AUTHORIZED Poll >> | RESPOND TO TRUMP | Thank you,
Jake – Team Trump 2025 | | | | | | Contributions to Trump National Committee JFC Inc. are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. All contributions are subject to the limits and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals (i.e., without "green cards"), federal government contractors, and other federally impermissible sources are strictly prohibited. Contributions made in the name of, or refunded by, any other person are unlawful.
Paid for by Trump National Committee JFC, Inc., P.O. Box 509, Arlington, VA 22216. Not Authorized by any Candidate or Candidate's Committee. |
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