Saturday, March 1, 2025

Amid all the worry, these stocks keep doubling

Just this past week, the S&P 500 dropped for 4 straight trading days... Bitcoin slipped into bear market territory... And investors are panicking about looming tariffs, rising inflation, and fears of an economic slowdown.

Note from Marc: I've warned that we're in a time of "headline risk" in the markets. But even with the recent volatility, I believe there are always profitable opportunities if you know where to look.

In the message from the Publisher at our corporate affiliate Stansberry Research below, you'll hear about one of the highest-conviction-ideas in their firm's entire history – a life-saving technology discovery that could eclipse AI.

They say it could produce a double for readers within weeks and has the potential for even 1,000% gains or more in the years ahead.

Read on for the details...

Dear Reader,

Investors are worried today – and for good reason.

But my biggest worry – by far – is that you're not doing this.

Just this past week, the S&P 500 dropped for 4 straight trading days...

Bitcoin slipped into bear market territory...

And investors are panicking about looming tariffs, rising inflation, and fears of an economic slowdown.

Of course, stocks have climbed a "wall of worry" for years.

And one Stansberry analyst has shown readers at least a double on MORE THAN HALF of all his recommendations.

A track record unlike any I'm aware of, anywhere.

Now, his No. 1 idea – with a far bigger market potential than anything he's recommended in 15 years – could produce another double for readers within weeks.

Or a lot more.

He sees 1,000% upside potential from this situation, if you understand what's going on.

But I have to warn you – this disappears in just a few days.

This isn't about AI... gold... energy... or investing systems.

It's much BIGGER.

This opportunity is covered by our reclusive, world-class analyst Dave Lashmet, whose work is so elite and – normally – so expensive, that you may not even be aware of him.

And today, he just released research on this breakthrough technology – the result of years of work – revealing insights that everyday investors would never find on their own.

Frankly, I've never seen another Stansberry analyst put this much effort into an idea. But with the bullish catalysts piling up and astronomical upside potential on this life-saving discovery, it speaks for itself.

You can hear my colleague's heart-rending story about how this technology saved his life – and how it could save yours – right here.

Please, don't miss this...

The biggest gains are on the table for your taking if you act now.

We've tried everything to spread the word, but the clock is running out...

So I'm urging you to see our FINAL effort to show you everything before we take it offline forever.


Brett Aitken
Publisher, Stansberry Research

P.S. Anyone can spout claims and predictions...

But I'd put my money with Dave, who has earned more spots in our Top 10 Hall of Fame than any other stock analyst...

By uncovering ideas that no other analyst on the planet understands...

Years in advance...

By reading through hundreds of pages of highly technical scientific papers...

Attending elite conferences where you're unlikely to find a single financial analyst...

Visiting trade shows... research labs... manufacturing sites... you name it.

He's been showing his subscribers outsized gains with the same approach for years.

Back in May of 2016, Dave first recommended what's probably the No. 1 hottest stock in the world today, chipmaker Nvidia (NVDA).

Readers have had the chance to lock gains as high as 1,466%.

Now, he's compiled a shortlist of opportunities tied to the greatest tech revolution of our lifetimes...

One that will likely eclipse AI and where a small investment now could pay off in a way that could almost single-handedly fund your retirement in the years ahead.

But time is of the essence.

Click here to get the full details.


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