Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Insiders recently bought up $18M of this cheap stock

See why this could be a major tip off to something BIG
See this cheap $4 stock?
At first glance, it looks like a worthless stock – and rightfully so!

The company has crashed down hard in the last 6 months.

But in my opinion, that’s about to change…

And that’s because certain insiders just bought $18.5M worth of shares of the stock.

Now I can’t say for sure why… and I certainly cannot make any future guarantees here.

But this could be a major tip off to something BIG!

Which is why I’m unveiling the details behind the stock – including its name…

The recent insider buys… 

And why I believe the company could soar over the coming months. 

If you’d like to see the name and all the details about this tiny ticker, just follow this link.
'Til the next trade,

Lance Ippolito
Signature Lance Ippolito
*Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. From 3/1/20 through 9/18/24, the average win rate is 70.1%, the average return per position is 8.04% with an average hold time of 17 days.

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