Thursday, September 12, 2024

Explorer Expands: Grid Battery Metals (EVKRF) Adds To Land Holdings With British Columbia Copper Project

Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) is unlocking exciting potential in the rapidly expanding battery metals industry.

This is Sponsored by Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) and readers are cautioned to seek professional financial and accounting advice when evaluating the Company and its prospects.


Explorer Expands: Grid Battery Metals (EVKRF) Adds To Land Holdings With British Columbia Copper Project

September 12th

Greetings Readers,

Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) is unlocking exciting potential in the rapidly expanding battery metals industry.

2 key factors for rapid expansion? The electronics and energy storage sectors are significantly driving demand for battery metals.

But the biggest story today is the growing demand from electric vehicles (EVs).


Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) holds a specific focus on high-value battery metals for the EV market.

Grid is focussed on its Nevada lithium assets, while its recently spun out subsidiary, AC/DC Battery Metals Inc. is focussed on its BC nickel assets.

In addition to the increasing global demand for EV Battery Metals, in August 2022, U.S. President Joseph Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which actively encourages electric vehicle manufacturers to expand production and sourcing in North America.

The IRA will provide Bn's of dollars in grants, loan programs and other in-vest-ments for clean energy projects.

Furthermore, requirements include EV battery materials "must not have been 'extracted, processed, or recycled by a foreign entity of concern' which includes China and Russia," and by 2029, 100% of battery manufacturing must take place in North America.

Battery Metals Market


Passenger vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries globally: 10% by 2025, 27% by 2030 with 58% market penetration by 2050.

The cost of lithium-ion battery packs has dropped by 87% since 2010, making them more attractive to manufacturers.

Automakers are concerned about suppliers' ability to meet ongoing lithium demand.


5 Key Reasons To Check Out Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL)

World Class Mining-Friendly Jurisdictions:

Grid Battery Metals (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) has a portfolio of lithium targets located in mining friendly jurisdictions of Nevada.

Last year, the state of Nevada was determined to be the most attractive jurisdiction for mining in-vest-ment in the world because of its mining-friendly regulations, in-vest-ment climate, carbon neutral hydro electricity grid and skilled labor force.

Strategic Land Holdings:

Grid Battery Metals (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) has acquired a key lithium exploration property that adjoins the southern border of the Nevada North Lithium Project owned by Surge Battery Metals*.

The Surge Battery Metals discovery totals 685 mineral claims and has identified strong mineralized lithium bearing clays with an average lithium content of 4,067 ppm.

Rising Demand:

With an evident demand for EV Battery Metals, in addition to Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, which pushes for more North American sources of battery metals, Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) aligns its operations with these prevailing industry dynamics.

Seasoned Management Team:

Backed by a seasoned management team and knowledgeable advisors specializing in mineral exploration, development, and capital acquisition, Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) is one to watch closely.

The management team at Grid Battery Metals was also the founding management team of Surge Battery Metals and is very experienced in Nevada-based lithium exploration for over a decade.

And then most recently, reason #5...


Overview of the Texas Spring Lithium Exploration - Development Project

The Texas Spring Property encompasses a series of mineral lode claims situated in Elko County, Nevada. Located in the Granite Range southeast of Jackpot, Nevada, it is approximately 73 km north-northeast of Wells, Nevada.

The primary focus of exploration on this property is to uncover a lithium clay deposit found within volcanic tuff and tuffaceous sediments of the Humbolt Formation.


Benefits of Nevada

Ranked the 3rd best mining jurisdiction in the world in 2019 by the Fraser Institute, Nevada is ideally suited to supply domestic and Asian markets.

Strong Ethics

Strong ethic toward effective & successful reclamation (restoring land that has been mined to a natural / economically usable state).


Largest mining program in the US with 49% of the Bureau of Land Management's active mining claims.


Mining friendly regulations with a Stable political environment. Producing lithium since 1966 at the Silver Peak Mine

Exploring The Potential Of Clayton Valley Lithium: Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL)'s Promising Project


Located in close proximity to the renowned Silver Peak Lithium Project of Albemarle Corporation, which hosts the only active lithium mine in North America, Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) is embarking on an exciting lithium exploration and development project in Clayton Valley.

Clayton Valley is known for its lithium resources, which exist in two primary forms: underground reservoirs known as aquifers, containing saline groundwater or brine, and montmorillonite clays with high lithium content. Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) has set its sights on identifying commercially significant groundwater deposits enriched with dissolved lithium in their Clayton Valley project, located near Tonopah, Nevada.

The property shows promising signs of hosting lithium brine deposits within favorable geological horizons found within the basin fill. Additionally, there is potential for lithium-enriched clay deposits within the fill package and in previous high stands of the playa, further enhancing the project's prospects.

Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL)'s Volt Canyon Lithium Project


Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) is embarking on an exciting exploration and development project in Volt Canyon, Nevada, where they have secured 80 placer claims covering approximately 635 hectares of alluvial sediments.

Situated in Monitor Valley, around 122 km north-northeast of Tonopah, Nevada, the Volt Canyon Lithium.

Property holds significant promise. The Grid Battery Metal team plans to continue to explore this property for lithium mineralization.

Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) has emerged as a promising player in the exploration of lithium projects, a crucial battery metal at the forefront of the electric vehicle (EV) and battery sector boom. Under the leadership of a successful founding team from Surge Battery Metals, Grid Battery Metals is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for this essential metal.

Get Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) on your radar.

When there are updates this week, I'll get them out to you quickly. Talk again soon.


Kai Parker


Company Presentation

(Always Remember The St-ock Prices Could Be Significantly Lower Now From The Dates I Provided.)

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