Saturday, May 13, 2023

Bryan Reveals the Secret Profit Window

Trade of the Day Wake-Up Watchlist

Bryan Reveals the Secret Profit Window

Bryan here...

I've got the inside scoop on a major trigger catalyst that almost nobody else knows about...

I call it..."The Secret Profit Window."

And everything I'm about to share has been confirmed by a New York Federal Reserve Bank study.

During this "Secret Profit Window", stocks have gone up.

And they've gone up big.

Over the last 30 years, this "Secret Profit Window" has generated +1,700% returns.

That's a 17x return...

Now, listen closely to what I'm about to tell you...

Over this 30-year period, this one time of day has been responsible for ALL of the positive returns in the market.


As for the remaining trading hours?

They produced nothing.

Let me repeat that...

Take away this one Secret Profit Window, and the 30-year return on the S&P 500 is NEGATIVE.

See for yourself below...


Armed with this research...

I firmly believe that exploiting the Secret Profit Window could change the way you approach the markets - and your investments - forever.

So, I invite you to drop whatever you're doing... and watch my explosive research video.

Specifically, if you like massive stock moves, the 1:36 mark will absolutely blow your mind.

Show me the Secret Profit Window

Yours in smart speculation,

Bryan Bottarelli Signature

Bryan Bottarelli, Head Trade Tactician
Monument Traders Alliance

P.S. Thirty years of verified data shows the exact time that has delivered +1,700% market outperformance. Don't put another $1 in the market until you know this Secret Profit Window.

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