Friday, September 30, 2022

ODEP News Brief - September 30, 2022


September 30, 2022

Attract Top Talent with Inclusive Hiring Practices

The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology just launched a new episode of their Future of Work podcast featuring Meryl Evans. Meryl is an accessibility expert and 2022 LinkedIn Top Voice in Disability Advocacy. In this episode, she discusses the small steps that hiring managers can take to impact inclusion in talent acquisition. Sharing her own experiences as a person who is deaf, Meryl also offers tangible tips to create more inclusive hiring practices for everyone.

SEED Presents at Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit on States as Model Employers

Last week, the State Exchange on Employment & Disability presented on a panel titled "States as Model Employers: Reducing the Labor Shortages" during The National Association of State Chief Administrators Summit on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Scottsdale, AZ.  In collaboration with SEED, NASCA is developing a toolkit for states, which was previewed at the Summit, focused on inclusive recruitment, hiring and retention practices in state government.

REMINDER - The Workforce Recruitment Program Participant Enrollment Period Is Now Open

The Workforce Recruitment Program is seeking applicants for its 2023 database. Any person interested in federal employment with a disability who is a U.S. citizen and is seeking a degree or recently received a degree from a U.S. college or university is welcome to register and apply. The WRP is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal and select private-sector employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through internships or permanent jobs. Registration closes October 13.  Questions may be emailed to

Celebrate NDEAM – Resources Now Available

Resources and materials are available for October's National Disability Employment Awareness Month produced by the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy. These resources can assist your organization in planning and implementing NDEAM 2022 activities. Visit the NDEAM website to order a poster, download social media graphics, find articles and read about strategies centered on this year's theme, "Disability: Part of the Equity Equation."

Upcoming EARN Webinar - Retaining Employees with Disabilities through Performance Coaching and Management

In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion invites you to join the webinar "Retaining Valued Employees with Disabilities: The Importance of Performance Coaching and Management" on Wednesday, October 19, at 2:00 p.m. ET. Hear from Harwinder Taunque, Senior Vice President of ATM Testing at Citi, and Cathy West, Vice President of JP Morgan Chase's Office of Disability Inclusion, as they share effective strategies managers can use to support and empower employees with disabilities and confidently engage in coaching and performance dialogues. Throughout October, check out EARN's resources, including the Inclusion@Work: A Framework for Building a Disability-Inclusive Organization, to learn about strategies for creating disability-inclusive workplace cultures to meet organization-wide diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility goals.

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