Monday, January 24, 2022

Differential Privacy: Future Work & Open Challenges


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Differential Privacy: Future Work & Open Challenges

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Setting the Privacy Parameter

The impact of the privacy parameter (or privacy budget) ε has been a consistent theme throughout this series. Conceptually, the privacy parameter is simple: smaller values of ε yield better privacy, and larger values yield worse privacy. But there's one very important question we haven't answered: what, exactly, does ε mean, and how should we set it? Unfortunately, we still don't have a consensus answer to this question. 

Researchers have recommended ε values around 1. Can we set ε higher than 1 without opening ourselves up to privacy attacks? Existing deployments of differential privacy indeed have set ε larger than 1:

Despite concerns expressed by the academic community about the large ε values used in these systems, none of them has yet been the target of a successful privacy attack (in contrast to systems based on de-identification, which have been broken repeatedly).

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