Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Defense Department Launches Memorial for Service Members

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Defense Department Launches Memorial for Service Members
Dec. 15, 2021

The Defense Department launched the Military In Lasting Tribute online memorial, which recognizes service members who died while serving honorably on active duty from 1985 to the present. It is the only DoD memorial to include peacetime deaths.

The memorial honors the service and sacrifice of these service members, and provides enduring recognition and support for the military survivor community. The website dedicated to this initiative ─ ─ is a destination for family members to view, remember, honor and share the sacrifice of their service members with their networks, extended survivor community, and military family.

The Defense Manpower Data Center tracks more than 47,000 deaths of service members on active-duty status since Jan. 1, 1985, impacting hundreds of thousands of family members. The Military In Lasting Tribute memorial is a way for the DoD to honor these service members.

Each service member included on the memorial site will have a dedicated page that lists the honoree's name, their branch of service, rank and date of death, as well as their photo or a service branch seal, if a photo is not available. All honorees will be available for viewing in a central location on the website. Visitors to the site will have the option to share the link to their loved one's memorial via email or social media.

Service members on the memorial will be based solely on outside submissions. The DoD invites family members to submit their loved ones to be recognized and remembered on the memorial. The submission process will be open to family members who have the service member's pertinent information, which can be found on the DD Form 1300, "Report of Casualty."

For more information or to submit the name of a loved one, visit

About Military Community and Family Policy

Military Community and Family Policy is directly responsible for establishing and overseeing
quality-of-life policies and programs that help our service members, their families and survivors be well and mission-ready. The Military OneSource website is the gateway to programs and services that support the everyday needs of the 5.2 million service members and immediate family members of the military community. These DoD services can be accessed 24/7/365 around the world.


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