Thursday, December 9, 2021

A Direct Path to Real Trading Success...

Dear Reader,

The last two years have been nothing short of crazy. It happened as the original market crash in February of 2020 gave way to easy Fed policy that has driven the markets higher since April 2020.

With that easy money policy, we have also seen pockets of increased volatility.

Markets taking huge falls in a single day, only to bounce back with 400, 500, even 700 point single day gains in the Dow. Just look at the last few weeks.

Of course this kind of volatility opens doors of opportunity for traders...

And it is time you took full advantage of that opportunity.

That's why I am laying down a challenge for a few, very serious traders in 2022.

I'm calling it Challenge '22...

And I want to know if you qualify to take part.

Our goals will be well defined in advance, and we will work diligently to reach them. This isn't pie in the sky "make a million next year" silliness.

Challenge '22 will give you the tools you need to achieve success like you've never seen before...

IF you do the work!

But for the right people, this will be a life changing experience.

We'll meet regularly to discuss our progress against our goals, how the market is moving, where we expect to see it go, and how we are going to exploit the expected moves.

You'll also get specific tools and strategies that will help you leverage the market.  

Challenge '22 is only for the "do'ers." Only for people who can make decisions and execute on those decisions.

If that's not you, I'm going to ask that you sit this one out.

However, if you're serious about becoming a better trader - and you're willing to do the work needed to get there...

I invite you to apply for Challenge '22 right now.

This could change everything for you, IF you are the right person for this challenge.

Find out by applying now.

Kind Regards,

P.S. The idea of Challenge '22 is to change individual lives forever. That's why I am taking a maximum of 10 people. And they must be the right people for the Challenge. 

If you're not a match for Challenge '22 - please do not be put off. It's not for everyone. But for the right people - they'll never be the same.

Click here to apply now.

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