Monday, November 15, 2021

"The Biggest Drug Ever"

MarketBeat - Empowering Individual Investors to Make Better Trading Decisions

Dear Friend,

On October 29, 2019, a small Jeff Bezos-backed biotech won a patent on a breakthrough treatment that could fight Alzheimer's disease.

What makes treating Alzheimer's so difficult isn't necessarily the lack of drugs. It's that our best drugs can't penetrate the "blood-brain barrier." Nature does this in order to protect the brain.

How can we cure Alzheimer's disease when our best drugs can't even reach the brain?

Well, this small biotech won a patent on a "transport vehicle" that can ferry drugs across the blood-brain barrier to treat the disease.

Jim Cramer estimates an Alzheimer's treatment would be the "The Biggest Drug Ever."

That's why a Big Pharma giant bought 11.2% of this small biotech.

Never before has so much money been invested in a small biotech so quickly.

And our research shows that anyone who gets in early could see 113,548% gains.

CLICK HERE to see how you can profit from this rare opportunity >>>

"The Buck Stops Here"

Dylan Jovine
CEO and Founder
Behind the Markets

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