Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving From Wealthy Retirement!



Wealthy Retirement

Happy Thanksgiving From Wealthy Retirement!

You may lose some liquidity as the gravy starts to thicken,

But the only stock to take stock of today is the one that's made of chicken.

(Sorry to all of our feathered friends.) It's even, so I hear,

Because we're obsessed with bulls and bears almost every other day of the year.

Enough tracking happens at the parade; volunteers have inside information -

I've heard from them those soaring floats are subject to inflation.

If a recipe needs a correction, there's still no cause to complain:

You can trade extra potatoes for more dessert and still make a capital gain.

So diversify your plate! Allocate it any way!

Enjoying Time with Family is the only ETF to invest in today.

From all of us at Wealthy Retirement, happy Thanksgiving!

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