How do we ignite volunteering and participation of Latinx youths, adults, and seniors? What are the benefits of civic engagement for Latinx youth, adults, and seniors, and for their communities? Join AmeriCorps' Office of Research and Evaluation and our guest speakers (also our research grantees) from the University of Houston and California State University San Marcos as they discuss their studies and experiences on these topics. Spanish and English captions will be available. Dr. Suzanne Pritzker and her team will highlight a youth-focused participatory research project focused on engaging youth voice to expand understanding of how Latinx teenagers perceive influences on their civic engagement. Guided by a team of youth co-researchers ("Youth Experts"), this project explores how the Latinx youth in our study describe their life experiences and interactions with various systems in their lives as both supports and hindrances to participation in shaping their communities and the broader society. Dr. Marisol Clark-Ibáñez and her team will describe two programs, Cultivando Liderazgo (Cultivating Leadership) and Cultivando Sabiduría (Cultivating Wisdom), created to honor and further ignite civic engagement in low-income, Spanish-speaking Latinx adults, families, and elders. They will share the popular education pedagogical approach and culturally-validating curriculum, which engaged hundreds of Latinx program participants. The team will share research on the participants' increased civic engagement and community leadership. In addition, they will provide recommendations and free resources to help others cultivate meaningful and sustained civic engagement with Latinx communities. Date: Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2-3:30 p.m. ET Agenda: Welcome: Andrea Robles, Ph.D., Research and Evaluation Manager, AmeriCorps Introductory Remarks: Amy Ramos, Ph.D., Senior Research Consultant, Harder+Company Community Research Speakers: - Suzanne Pritzker, Ph.D., and Team, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor, University of Houston
- Marisol Clark-Ibáñez, Ph.D., and Team, Senior Team Professor, Department of Sociology, California State University San Marcos
Reflections and Q&A Discussion AmeriCorps Office of Research and Evaluation AmeriCorps sponsors and supports scholarly research. Findings are used to identify effective strategies for national service, increase the evidence-base for its programs, and strengthen civic infrastructure and civic engagement in America. Learn more about research and evaluation at AmeriCorps.. If you have any questions, contact us at |
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