Sunday, October 24, 2021

Simmer-Down Sunday: Volatility Got You Down? Be Prepared!

October 24, 2021 Sign Up
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It Came From Planet Great Stuff

I knew it came from there!

It drove a Final Run Up … a-faster than the speed of liiiiiight.

Planet Great Stuff might not have pink air like Planet Claire, but you will want to see what we do have there.

Mark your calendars and stop all the clocks — just two days from now, we’re holding Great Stuff’s first-ever special event.

Am … am I invited?

Don’t be silly. You’ve got a front-row seat for this shebang. You’re a Great One, after all.

There are just a couple of things to go over before we take off for Planet Great Stuff. First, if you haven’t already, make sure you’re registered for this special event.

To sign up, just go here now and leave your name and email to ensure you get first-look access to this first-of-its-kind shindig!

If you’re already registered, hang tight until Tuesday, October 26 at 8 p.m. Eastern time. Pat yourself on the back for being better prepped than your peers ... or something like that. (It's like middle school all over again!)

And if you're still itching for your daily fix of those meaty meme-worthy market morsels, don't think we'd leave you hanging. Here's some more Great Stuff that you might've missed from this past week:

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You, Me & Alternative Energy

There’s a sea of untapped energy companies fueling the “new energy revolution,” so why are investors still ogling oil like it’s the last Snickers in the candy jar?

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Calling All Correction Protection

Rising inflation … labor shortages … supply chain disasters … all signs point toward the market going to hell in a handbasket. But is your portfolio prepared for pandemonium?

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Sultans Of Stock Market Swings

Do wild market swings have you green around the gills? According to Clint Lee, these turbulent tides aren’t letting up anytime soon … but there are still ways to profit.

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Mind Over Mayhem

A looming market correction has some investors running scared and going to cash. But not Mr. Great Stuff … he’s preparing to beat the living daylights out of oncoming volatility.

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Johnson & Johnson's Baby Powder Keg

Baby powder, earnings, addiction, cancer… You can get anything you want at Johnson & Johnson’s restaurant.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Great Ones! We’ll be back with you tomorrow to … well … do it all over again.

In the meantime, write to us whenever the market muse calls to you! is where you can reach us best.

And here’s where you can find our other junk — erm, I mean where you can check out some more Greatness:

Until next time, stay Great!

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