Monday, October 25, 2021

Copyright Royalty Board News, Issue 273

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October 25, 2021
Issue 273

Copyright Royalty Judges Announce Reopening of Comment Period for Proposed Rates and Terms for Making and Distributing Phonorecords of Nondramatic Musical Works from 2023 through 2027

The Copyright Royalty Judges announce that because a comment filed by the settling parties included additional material (in particular a memorandum of understanding) that relates to statements in some of the comments the Judges received, the Judges are reopening the comment period for an additional thirty days. The proposed rule published for comment sets certain rates and terms applicable during the period beginning January 1, 2023, and ending December 31, 2027, for the section 115 statutory license for making and distributing phonorecords of nondramatic musical works and is based on regulations proposed pursuant to a partial settlement among the settling parties. The comment period for the proposed rule published June 25, 2021, at 86 FR 33601, which was reopened on July 29, 2021, at 86 FR 40793, is reopened a second time. Comments are due no later than November 22, 2021. For more information, click here.



November 22, 2021: Comments due regarding proposed rates and terms for making and distributing phonorecords of nondramatic musical works under section 115 of the Copyright Act (86 FR 58626).



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