Wednesday, October 20, 2021

[2021] One Thing You Can Do To Beat Inflation

MarketBeat - Empowering Individual Investors to Make Better Trading Decisions

Dear Reader,

Regular folks are waking up to the scheme that banks are pulling over on you by leaving your money in savings.

Nowadays you could buy the same securities your bank does from Treasury Direct and have better returns since the bank won't be taking its part.

The only way to keep up with the current economy is to get your cash out of the bank where it only makes their investors good returns and get it applied into the markets where your returns could be so much bigger.

Where to invest?

** This biotech "penny" stock is primed to soar and it's our #1 recommend penny stock pick for 2021 ).

(**By clicking link you are subscribing to The Wealthiest Investor News's Newsletter and may receive up to 2 additional free bonus subscriptions. Unsubscribing is easy. Full disclosures found here.)

Beat the current inflation economy by owning more assets that appreciate.

There's still time to get in at 'buy low' and it has all the makings of a stock you could 'sell high' and collect massive profits!

**Download our new report: #1 Penny Stock Pick of 2021, with our compliments.

(**By clicking link you are subscribing to The Wealthiest Investor News's Newsletter and may receive up to 2 additional free bonus subscriptions. Unsubscribing is easy. Full disclosures found here.)


The Wealthiest Investor News Team


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