Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Innovation + Impact E-newsletter May 2021

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Innovation and Impact E-newsletter from the Center for Accelerating Innovation and Impact. USAID Global Health

May 2021



OECD Technical Seminar on Innovation for Development

CII's Acting Director Amy Lin moderated a technical seminar on innovation for development hosted by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC). The OECD has released their new proposed innovation stream work plan, Innovation for Development Impact. As part of the rollout, the goal of the session was for participants to provide inputs on the work plan for the DAC and to draw out opportunities for how innovation can advance the development agenda. Amy guided participants through an agenda with interventions from Directors-General from the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Global Affairs Canada as well as presentations from Geoff Mulgan, former Nesta CEO, and Purabi Matin, Head of Communications at the a2i Lab in Bangladesh.

OECD Innovation for Development Impact Report



Map & Match releases country briefs

USAID's Map & Match Project led by PATH/Digital Square conducted a landscaping of country digital health tools and rapid assessment to identify opportunities where digital tools may aid in the COVID-19 response. As the world learned during the West Africa Ebola outbreak response, prioritizing the reuse and adaptation of existing digital tools is vital to quickly scale access to time-sensitive disease information and data. The landscaping has been completed and country briefs are being released with information on digital health tools identified, opportunities for use of those tools, and digital health recommendations to support the COVID-19 response. The briefs will be shared with our partners, including USAID, GIZ, UNICEF, World Bank, Gates Foundation, the Global Fund, GAVI, WHO, and each country's Ministry of Health and will be added to the Digital Health Atlas.

       Digital Health



Devex highlights Saving Lives at Birth

A recently published Devex article, "Health innovators seek more support as maternal, newborn deaths rise" highlights the Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenge journey along with various maternal and child health innovators supported by the partnership. The article spotlights Little Sparrows Technologies and their newborn jaundice phototherapy treatment product, Bilihut, which received a SL@B seed grant at a pivotal time of growth. CII Senior Innovation Advisor Meghan Majorowski and former CII Director Wendy Taylor are both quoted, underscoring the importance of bringing in new and diverse partners to support and scale innovation in the maternal and child health space. The article advocates for continuing to support and scale innovations in maternal and child health.

Innovation 1



CII-innovation-icon INNOVATION


CII joins AstraZeneca, Villgro Africa, and Resonance in Open Innovation Panel


CII's Senior Advisor Meghan Majorowski spoke on a panel on Open Innovation for Global Health led by Resonance. As part their Inclusive Innovation Exchange webinar series, Meghan joined panelists Pamela Hill (AstraZeneca Open Innovation program Head) and Wilfred Njagi (Villgro Africa CEO) and moderator Stephen Rahaim (Chief of Party of the USAID Catalyst Project, Resonance) to discuss models and lessons learned for open innovation in global health, the role that it can play in connecting global and local health ecosystems, and the role of partnerships.

Innovation 2


June 2, 2021
Managing for Better Results and Promoting Gender Equality through Challenge Funds
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

June 8, 2021
Stories of Impact
The Rockefeller Foundation

June 27 - July 1, 2021
Aspen Ideas Festival
Aspen Ideas

broadcast barsCII NEWS

What USAID India is Learning From Working with Private-Sector Partners to Improve the Delivery of Public Services
May 10, 2021

Grand Challenges Canada
Funding Opportunity: Stars in Global Health
June 3, 2021

Apply for Funding: COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund
May 2021 - June 2021

News Icon NEWS

There's A New App That Might Help Predict Which Viruses Could Cause The Next Pandemic
April 5, 2021

MedCity News
What other industries can learn from innovation in healthcare during COVID
May 6, 2021

New York Times
The Future of Virus Tracking Can Be Found on This College Campus
May 17, 2021

3 lessons from COVID-19 to rethink global health innovation
June 2, 2021


McKinsey & Company
Africa needs vaccines. What would it take to make them here?

Global Health NOW
Tech Companies Have a Role in Expanding Vaccine Access, Information

The Conversation
Medical oxygen should not be a luxury – we're trying to develop a cheaper way to produce it

Global Health Security Consortium
Vaccinating the World in 2021

CII Innovator Spotlight    


Christian Rusangwa, Director of Technical Assistance, Muso


Christian Rusangwa is the Director of Technical Assistance at Muso, a Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) funded innovator that collaborates with governments to design, build, and test Proactive Community Case Management (ProCCM), an evidence-based community health approach for rapid, universal access to care, maternal health, and child survival. You can learn more about Muso's path to scale in CII's Global Health Innovation Index. In his role as Director of Technical Assistance, Christian develops strategies to accompany governments in the adoption of ProCCM and the building of effective healthcare systems and sustainable approaches in the area of national health system strengthening for primary healthcare and community health. Christian advises the governments of Mali and Ivory Coast as well as other global health organizations.

Read Christian's full interview here.


The Center for Innovation and Impact (CII) in USAID's Bureau for Global Health encourages business-minded approaches and accelerates impact against some of the world's most important health issues. CII invests seed capital in the most promising efforts and applies a rigorous, market-oriented approach to cut the time it takes to transform ideas from the drawing board into impact on the ground.

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Ogilvy is sending these announcements on behalf of USAID's Bureau for Global Health. Ogilvy is located at 1111 19th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036  (202) 729-4000 GovDelivery logo

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