Saturday, April 17, 2021

Notable Earnings (Next Two Days)

Notable Earnings (Next Two Days)

Dear Fellow Trader,
I hope you are having a great Saturday! I am sending you the list of major stocks reporting Earnings in next two days. It also includes '% Predicted Volatility After Earnings Announcement'. Today, I would like to offer you the following deal.

Sign up for a 30-Day Trial
Sign up today for 30-Day Trial and get complete access to trade alerts (generated 260.9% returns), volatility predictions (77% accuracy. The best for Options Trading), advanced earnings screener (the best tool to find actionable trading ideas), and of course a lot more..
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Symbol CompanyEarning DatePredicted Volatility *
UAL United Airlines..04/19 After 3%
IBM International B..04/19 before 4%
KO Coca Cola Co04/19 before 2%
NFLX Netflix Inc04/20 After 11%
LRN K12 Inc04/20 After 9%
ISRG Intuitive Surgi..04/20 After 5%
THC Tenet Healthcar..04/20 After 5%
EW Edwards Lifesci..04/20 After 5%
CSX Csx Corp04/20 After 2%
HOG Harley-Davidson..04/20 before 6%
ABT Abbott Laborato..04/20 before 2%
FITB Fifth Third Ban..04/20 before 2%
LMT Lockheed Martin..04/20 before 2%
PG PROCTER & GAMBL..04/20 before 2%
KEY Keycorp04/20 before 2%
PM Philip Morris I..04/20 before 2%
JNJ Johnson & Johns..04/20 before 1%
CMG Chipotle Mexica..04/21 After 7%
WHR Whirlpool Corp04/21 After 5%
LRCX Lam Research Co..04/21 After 4%
LVS Las Vegas Sands..04/21 After 3%
DFS Discover Financ..04/21 After 3%
KMI Kinder Morgan I..04/21 After 2%
ANTM Anthem Inc04/21 before 3%
ASML Asml Holding Nv04/21 before 3%
HAL Halliburton Co04/21 before 2%
VZ Verizon Communi..04/21 before 1%
sun Before Market Opensun After Market Close

*Predicted Volatility % based on our Proprietary Volatility Predication Model. We are expecting that stock price will likely to reach % in either direction by the end of next trading session after Earnings are released and not necessarily the closing volatility %.

How to use Predicted Volatility in your trading strategies:
Options Trading - You can use Volatility Rush strategies (buying straddle three weeks before earnings dates) for stocks which have more than 5% predicted volatility. Please click on Volatility Rush Trading Strategy to learn more about it. You can use Volatility Crush trading strategy for major stocks with Predicted Volatility less than 4%. Please click on Volatility Crush Strategy to learn more about it.You can use Ride-the-Wave to targets multi-day price momentum following a company's earnings announcement (EA). Please click on Ride-the-Wave Strategy to learn more about it.
Stock Trading - If you're a stock trader or portfolio manager, you want to avoid an unexpected loss based on a surprise negative earnings announcement (you don't want to wake up on the morning of an earnings announcement and see your portfolio down by 10 percent or more).
The key to avoiding this kind of loss is knowing a stock's historical earnings-related volatility well before it announces earnings. Armed with that knowledge, you'll have enough time to design a hedging strategy that will protect you from a big drop caused by a negative earnings announcement.
At StockEarnings, we're really excited to help you trade more profitably. To that end, we're constantly developing new content to go alongside our platform insights, which will further our mission to help you become a better trader.
As always, you can find more trades alerts, our advanced earnings screener, and have access to downloadable earnings data through our platform at
To your trading success,
Hiral Ghelani
Founder & CEO
110 Wall Street, Suite #2046, New York, NY 10005
P.S. Some of our the most popular trade alerts publications:
Calls Under $10: - You can take advantage of low entry trading, Each Option trade targeting 30%-100% potential GAINS, sent straight to your Inbox and SMS message to your phone (so you never miss any trades)!
Option Under $5: - Simple Options Trades. 4 Trades a Month. Short Term Holding Period.
Fast Stock Trader: - Take advantage of short-term stock trading, which limits your market exposure and lets you protect your capital by getting in and out of each trade fast, helping you target winners overnight.

StockEarnings is a research service not owned or managed by registered brokers and therefore this site does not make any investment recommendations. The information provided from StockEarnings is not guaranteed as to the accuracy or completeness. Neither StockEarnings, its principals, or publishers, are liable for any losses or damages, monetary or otherwise, that result from the content and services of StockEarnings. Each member of StockEarnings chooses to do trades at their sole discretion and risk. StockEarnings is not responsible for gains/losses that may result in the trading of these securities.


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