Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Unique and More-Accessible Quest Showcases the Shifting Paradigm of Virtual Sharing

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A Unique and More-Accessible Quest Showcases the Shifting Paradigm of Virtual Sharing

The 32nd Quest for Excellence Conference, Monday, April 12–Thursday, April 15, 2021. A Virtual Showcase of Baldrige Award Recipient Best Practices.

By Dawn Bailey

A silver lining of 2020 is that organizations had to not just explore technology and virtual options but to go all-in for meetings and conferences to ensure continuous education and connections. The Baldrige Program has been no different, especially given the portion of its mission to provide global leadership in the learning and sharing of successful strategies and performance practices, principles, and methodologies.

For the first time in 33 years, the Baldrige Quest for Excellence Conference® is going virtual to keep that sharing going. An all-virtual conference—April 12–15, 2021—offers unique benefits for attendees, speakers, and participants, such as more time to access the presentations and cost savings for many attendees. The conference even includes the bonus of introducing two years of new recipients.

"Among other things, [virtual conferences are] easier on the environment and more inclusive than in-person meetings," writes Grace Liu in "The Surprising Advantages of Virtual Conferences" in Scientific American. "A number of surprising positives show how virtual conferences are … triggering a paradigm shift in how conferences of the future could look."

Time will be on the side of this year's Quest attendees who will have an opportunity to view every archived conference session on their own time, as well as participate in three live Baldrige Award recipient question-and-answer and other interactive sessions. Such archiving allows attendees to follow the best practices of multiple Baldrige Award recipients, follow sessions related to a particular Baldrige category or economic sector, or all of the above. Virtual Quest attendees will have access to watch sessions beginning on the days of the events and ending June 15, 2021.

Conference Highlights

The 2021 virtual conference will feature the following, as well as attendee networking sessions and an exhibit hall.

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