Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko on Friday said a test system for detecting the coronavirus variant discovered in the UK will soon be available for medical institutions, the TASS news agency reported.
Fabienne Garbo's father suffers from an illness similar to Alzheimer's and was eligible for a COVID-19 shot as soon as France started vaccinating care home residents. But she has not signed the consent form.
Scientists who normally focus on fixing defective genes said on Friday that up to $2.1 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will help them move their COVID-19 vaccine candidate toward 2021 human trials.
Hungary, which last week became the first European Union member to buy Russia's Sputnik V vaccine, on Friday became the bloc's first to approve China's Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine.
A World Health Organization-led team of experts investigating the origins of COVID-19 on Friday visited a hospital in the Chinese city of Wuhan that was one of the first to treat patients in the early days of the outbreak.
Bolivian doctors are demanding a nationwide lockdown and threatening to stop taking in new patients as a surge in COVID-19 cases, which they say is killing an average of one medic per day, strains hospitals to breaking point.
The European Union stood its ground in a row with AstraZeneca over COVID-19 vaccine supplies on Friday, pressing the Anglo-Swedish drugmaker to deliver the doses as promised in its contract.
Swiss drugmaker Novartis has signed an initial agreement to provide manufacturing capacity for Pfizer and Biontech's COVID-19 vaccine, a move aimed at helping boost production as supplies fall shy of demand.
AstraZeneca has published its COVID-19 vaccine contract with the European Commission, the executive body said on Friday, as both are embroiled in a row over cuts in supplies.
Laurent Fignon, a geriatric doctor in the south of France, is having to improvise as he gives shots of the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech to care home residents and health staff because supplies of the right needles and syringes are short.
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