Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Aerospace/Defense Export Event Update Dec 2020

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Monday, December 14, 2020 7:00pm Eastern Time

Join the US Commercial Service for a free webinar to learn about space sector opportunities in Japan.  Speakers from the US Embassy Tokyo will provide insights regarding space sector opportunities for US firms.  Topics to be discussed include:

  • Welcome Remarks (Richard Steffens, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia (Acting))
  • Introduction to the US Commercial Service (Stephen J. Anderson, Commercial Attaché, US Embassy Tokyo)
  • Japan's Defense Space Market Overview (COL Christopher S. Martin, United States Army, Chief of Mutual Defense Assistance Office, U.S. Embassy - Tokyo)
  • Japan's Civil Space Market Overview (Mr. Garvey McIntosh, NASA Asia Representative, US Embassy Tokyo)

Registration is free, but pre-registration is required.  Click here to register. 

Questions?  Contact Melissa Grosso at the US Commercial Service (Connecticut) – Melissa.Grosso@trade.gov or +1 860-638-6955  or Ms. Sayoko Koto at the US Commercial Service Tokyo— Sayoko.Koto@trade.gov


Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 11:00AM (Central Time)

Join the US Commercial Service for a free webinar to learn about aerospace opportunities in Mexico.  Speakers from the U.S. Embassy Mexico, FEMIA, SEDENA and Kallman Worldwide will provide insights regarding aerospace opportunities for U.S. firms.  Topics to be discussed include:

  • U.S. Embassy – Mexico Current market conditions and U.S. Embassy parallel activities at FAMEX 2021
  • Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA) Mexican Aerospace Industry Outlook
  • FAMEX Organizing Committee (SEDENA) Aerospace opportunities & COVID 19
  • Kallman Worldwide U.S. Pavilion at FAMEX 2021, April 21-24, 2021, Querétaro, Mexico

Registration is free, but pre-registration is required.  Click here to register…  

Questions?  Contact Jason Sproule at the US Commercial Service (Los Angeles) – Jason.Sproule@trade.gov or Silvia Cardenas at the US Commercial Service Mexico — Silvia.Cardenas@trade.gov


Thursday, December 17, 2020 11:00am Eastern Time

The U.S. Commercial Service in Canada & the Global Aerospace Team are delighted to host a FREE webinar for U.S. aerospace suppliers on "Aerospace Business Development Opportunities in Canada." This webinar will introduce participants to recent trends in Canada's large aerospace market (5th largest in the world), uncover business opportunities for U.S. firms, and offer business development strategies to access this $22 billion market. In addition, BCI Aerospace will introduce the audience to Aeromart Montreal 2021, an international business to business matchmaking forum being held in Montreal on March 30-April 1, 2021. Aeromart Montréal convenes prime contractors, tier 1 suppliers, sub-contractors and allows participants to arrange meetings prior to the event.

Register Here
Topics Covered:

  • Snapshot of the Canadian Aerospace Market
  • Greatest Opportunities for U.S. Companies in Canada
  • Tips on Selling to Canada's Aerospace Market
  • Aeromart Montreal 2021


  • Gina Bento, Aero/Defense Commercial Specialist, US Commercial Service Montreal
  • Alain Ngoie, BCI Aerospace
  • Ellison Surface Technologies (owned by Bodycote)—client testimonial

Questions?  Contact Melissa Grosso at Melissa.Grosso@trade.gov or 860-638-6955

New Aero/Defense Resource Reports

Hot off the desk's of our Commercial Specialists internationally!  Don't miss the new reports recently added to our Industry page at https://www.trade.gov/aerospace-and-defense-resource-guide

Reports have been added from our Specialists in the United Kingdom, Poland, France, Australia, Thailand, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, Italy, Japan, and Turkey. With more to come soon!

Our Industry & Analysis, ITA, Team has also added new material that is not to be missed. Check out their new reports for Large Civil Aircraft https://www.trade.gov/larger-civil-aircraft and Unmanned Aircraft Systems https://www.trade.gov/unmanned-aircraft-systems.

FAMEX 2021 (April 21-24), Querétaro International Airport, Mexico

U.S.-Mexico flags

USCS Mexico will host the U.S. Pavilion at FAMEX's 4th Edition. FAMEX is the prime Defense and Aerospace exhibition in Latin America. Organized by the Mexican Ministry of Defense and its Air Force (SEDENA/FAM), U.S. exhibitors will meet potential government end-users and business partners. In 2019, FAMEX received more than 50,000 visitors, 635 exhibitors, and 39 countries participated. For 2021 the U.S. is the honored guest country at Pavilion D.  We are offering a package of incentives to take advantage of B2Bs, B2Gs, site support, business briefing (virtual), and an Official Reception. Kallman Worldwide is the U.S. Pavilion designer and builder. In addition, FAMEX has a dedicated no-cost area to host U.S.  Aerospace Universities and technical schools. Please note the show is planned to be in person and FAMEX has enacted a stringent protocol for sanitation and the prevention of COVID.  For further information on the show please contact: 

silvia.cardenas@trade.gov , carey.arun@trade.gov, briank@kallman.com 

Webinar: What is the latest on Brexit?

The UK officially left the EU and will end its transition period on December 31, 2020. With Brexit now only days away, learn the latest from UK Government officials and leading trade associations for more clarity on cross-border trade (U.S.-UK and UK–EU) and the new regulatory landscape.

The UK is the United States' seventh largest trading partner with $275 billion a year in goods and services flowing between our countries. As the UK ends its transition period with the EU, there are new opportunities for U.S. companies to be discovered. 

This webinar is the third of our series on Brexit preparations and will feature the latest updates on Brexit, data transfer implications, changes to the regulatory environment and to UK/EU supply chains. You will have a unique opportunity to ask questions and get both government and business perspectives.

Rosemary Gallant, Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Embassy London 

Graham Zebedee, Director, Continuity, Wider Europe Negotiations and Development, Department for International Trade

 TBC - Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

 TBC - Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

Julian David, CEO, TechUK 

Silvia Segna, Senior Chemicals Policy Executive, Chemical Industry Association

Juliann Walker, COO, Associated British Ports

December 10, 2020
11:00 am EST
1hr 15min
Fee $25


Trade Leads


Accra-based airline Gianair, established 2009, plans to purchase a used aircraft, built in the year 2000 or later, to expand its medical evacuation business. It is looking for either a pre-owned Learjet 60 or a pre-owned Hawker 800 for about $2 million. It would like the price to include installation of medical kits, including intensive care equipment, for medical evacuations. Gianair  mentioned it would engage US ExIm Bank to discuss financing.
Deadline: NA
Contact: Rita Adubra-Asante; Rita.Adubra-Asante@trade.gov


The Office of the Defense Cooperation (ODC) at Embassy Rome has informed CS Rome of the interest of the Italian Army and National Armaments Directorate (NAD) in identifying U.S. companies with expertise in logistics and maintenance.  There are potential opportunities for long-term maintenance contracts for aircraft, helicopters (in particular, UH-1s or Hueys) and possibly wheeled and tracked vehicles.  This involves Italian bases and hinges on the contractor ability to hire local staff.  The Army and NAD are expecting that COVID relief funds will be available in addition to funding already allocated.  Provide all company details including contacts, overviews and company presentations if available.  The ODC stands ready to set up virtual meetings with their counterparts.
Deadline: NA
Maria Calabria; maria.calabria@trade.gov


Medical Helicopter Tender
FinnHEMS, a government-owned nonprofit company managing Finland's nationwide medical helicopter system, is expected to announce a public tender to acquire its own fleet of medical helicopters. The move is part of a Government of Finland decision to allow FinnHEMS to shift from hiring outside helicopter companies to developing its own independent aviation operations to provide air medical services, including acquiring its own air operator's certificate, equipment, and crew. As a run-up to setting the scope and specifications for the procurement and announcing the official tender FinnHems intends to hold consultations with industry representatives. CS Finland is in close contact with FinnHEMS and will provide more details on the project processes and time line as information becomes available.
Deadline: NA
Contact: Mia Mäki at mia.maki@trade.gov.


Aluminum Producers
The Italian firm A.F. Trading Srl based in Varese is currently seeking U.S. aluminum producers for applications in the Aero and other markets.  Of fundamental importance is that the manufacturer not have any conflicts    of interest/be in competition with the production of nickel, cobalt and titanium alloys, since the local firm is currently representing 2 manufacturers of these materials.  A.F. Trading's website for more information: 

       www.af-trading.it.  Digital brochure can be downloaded here:  DOWNLOAD OUR BROCHURE

              The ideal aluminum producer should have the following characteristics:

  • able to serve customers who require primary formats for their production of forgings and rolled rings.  Of potential future interest are producers that are also competitive on processed products i.e. bars, plates, sheets, tubes, etc.,
  • has a production range that includes aluminum alloys mainly used in the Space, Aero and Defense sectors, and markets that use aeroderivative components and technology;
  • possesses an adequate quality standard and specific approvals and standards certifications for the above sectors (both from third party entities and from the various OEMs);
  • do not compete/pose conflicts of interest with the production of nickel, cobalt and titanium alloys;
  • interested in brokering an exclusive agreement for the entire Italian territory, possibly extendible to other EU countries and/or non-EU countries in which A.F. Trading operates with other existing contracts (Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland)

 Deadline: NA
 Contact: Maria Calabria; maria.calabria@trade.gov

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