Wednesday, October 28, 2020

BREAKING: Supreme Court won't block mail ballots in North Carolina that arrive up to six days after Election Day

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Oct 28, 2020
BREAKING: Supreme Court won't block mail ballots in North Carolina that arrive up to six days after Election Day

The Supreme Court late Wednesday declined to block lower court rulings that allow six extra days for accepting ballots sent by mail in North Carolina, a victory for Democrats in a presidential battleground state.

Earlier in the day, in a defeat for Republicans, the court declined to take another look, on a fast track, at the issue of late-arriving mail ballots in Pennsylvania, another tight state, leaving intact a lower court ruling that said the state must count ballots that arrive up to three days after the election.

The vote was 5-3, and newly confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett didn't take part in either case. 

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