Wednesday, September 30, 2020

USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for Alabama for 9/30/2020

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Here are your newest search results for Alabama for 9/30/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.

Heavy Mobile Equipment Repair Inspector

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Reserve Command
Hiring Organization: 81st Readiness Division
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Salary: $51,105.60 to $59,654.40 / PH
Series and Grade: WG-5803-10
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-09
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Heavy Mobile Equipment Repair Inspector

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Reserve Command
Hiring Organization: 81st Readiness Division
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Salary: $51,105.60 to $59,654.40 / PH
Series and Grade: WG-5803-10
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-09
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Family of overseas employees, Competitive service, Individuals with disabilities, Land & base management, Military spouses, Peace Corps & AmeriCorps Vista, Special authorities

Heavy Mobile Equpment Repairer

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Reserve Command
Hiring Organization: 81st Readiness Division
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Montgomery, Alabama
Salary: $43,160.00 to $50,336.00 / PH
Series and Grade: WG-5803-9
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-13
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Family of overseas employees, Competitive service, Individuals with disabilities, Land & base management, Military spouses, Peace Corps & AmeriCorps Vista, Special authorities, Veterans

Equal Opportunity Specialist

Department: Department of Housing and Urban Development
Agency:Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $52,905.00 to $100,008.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0360-09/12
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-14T00:00:00Z
Position Information: - Career/Career Conditional
Who May Apply: Individuals with disabilities, Competitive service, Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Land & base management, Military spouses, Peace Corps & AmeriCorps Vista, Special authorities, Veterans

Equal Opportunity Specialist

Department: Department of Housing and Urban Development
Agency:Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $64,009.00 to $100,008.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0360-11/12
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-14T00:00:00Z
Position Information: - Career/Career Conditional
Who May Apply: Open to the public


Department: Department of Defense
Agency:Defense Information Systems Agency
Hiring Organization: Multiple Defense Information Systems Agencies
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $48,670.00 to $77,396.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GG-2210-7/9
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2021-09-29
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Recent graduates


Department: Department of Defense
Agency:Defense Information Systems Agency
Hiring Organization: Multiple Defense Information System Agency Locations
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $48,670.00 to $77,396.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GG-2210-7/9
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2021-09-29
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Recent graduates

Program Analyst

Department: Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology
Hiring Organization: Office of Information & Technology, Strategic Sourcing, Category Management, IT Services Category
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $91,231.00 to $144,676.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0343-13
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Family of overseas employees, Competitive service, Excepted service, Individuals with disabilities, Land & base management, Military spouses, National Guard & Reserves, Peace Corps & AmeriCorps Vista, Veterans

Natural Resource Program Manager

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Hiring Organization: Operations Division
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $55,204.00 to $71,764.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0401-11
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-14
Position Information: - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Competitive service

Administrative Support Assistant (CYS) (Developmental) NF-02/03

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:Army Installation Management Command
Hiring Organization: Child and Youth Services
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Few vacancies - Fort Rucker, Alabama
Salary: $31,208.00 to $45,393.00 / PA
Series and Grade: NF-0303-2/3
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-05
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

We only include up to 10 new search results in this email. To view the complete list of search results, please visit the USAJOBS website at View All Opportunities.

This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

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