Labor Day is a time for all of us to remember exactly who it was that built this country. It's a moment to reflect on the generations of sweat and sacrifice that unions and union workers put in -- earning the rights, the power, the wages, and the benefits that built and sustained the American middle class.
I've said it before, but it bears repeating -- Wall Street didn't build this country. Workers did. Unions did. The very same folks who are holding our country together right now, and who have never once let America down.
But on top of the worst economic and jobs crisis since the Great Depression -- on top of President Trump's mismanagement of a pandemic that has turned being an American worker into life-or-death work -- there's an ongoing war on Labor's House. That's because the Donald Trumps of the world understand that if they diminish union power, they can run the table on every American worker, union and non-union.
It's just wrong. As millions of working families struggle because Donald Trump didn't have a plan to address this global health crisis, Republicans are only escalating their attacks against the workers and unions who are keeping us afloat -- even proposing a tax cut for corporations as they allow workers' unemployment to lapse.
Kamala and I know that building back better means building our economy around working families -- and that means raising the wages of workers and the power of unions. We know that educators, electrical workers, and bus drivers fuel the economy -- not CEOs and hedge fund managers. As President and Vice President, we will always stand on the side of working people. And by enacting transformational investments in America's future, we'll also create millions of good jobs that come with a fair choice to join a union.
We know we can't just go back to the way things were before the pandemic. We need to build an economy that rewards work, not wealth. We need to treat all American workers as essential not only in times of crisis, but every day.
That means not just praising workers, but paying them. It means investing in America's hidden bedrock of caregivers, so that more Americans can join the workforce and earn the dignity and security that comes from landing a good union job. It means standing on the side of unions, so that more workers can live a middle class life and provide opportunity for their kids.
So on this Labor Day, I want to thank all of our workers across America. You built this country, and if I have the honor of serving as President, I'm going to make sure that our economy serves your needs, your wellbeing, and your aspirations.
We see you, we respect you, we thank you, and we will fight for you.
Thanks again, and Happy Labor Day. Joe Biden |
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