Tuesday, August 25, 2020


The consequences of another four years of Trump's inability to lead are unimaginable.
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Carole King

I’m just going to say it:

The Republican National Convention is nauseating.

With all the Republican sycophants parroting Trump talking points, and none of them having the backbone to call out the head of their party for what he is, I’m going to do it for them.

Donald Trump is the most narcissistic, corrupt, malicious, unpatriotic, willfully incompetent, and unworthy person to occupy the Oval Office in my lifetime – and our nation is suffering because of his unwillingness to put country before self.

Joe Biden is kind, good, and empathetic. Joe is decent, honorable, strong, and capable. And he doesn’t have to shout it from the rooftops. He just is.

The consequences of another four years of Trump’s inability to lead are unimaginable. The contrast with Joe Biden is stark. And that’s why I’ve committed to do everything in my power to make sure we elect Joe Biden as our next president by a margin too wide to ignore, dispute, or suppress.

Will you join me in that commitment?

Joe and his team have set a goal to show a massive amount of people-powered strength during this week of Republican National Chatter by bringing in 500,000 individual contributions to their Beat Trump Fund.

It may not be easy for you to give right now, but every dollar will help deliver a crucial victory for Joe Biden on behalf of you, your family, your friends, your neighbors, and for the country we love.

I just made a donation, and I hope you will too. There are only TWO days left to help them reach this important goal. No donation is too small to make an impact. »

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$25 ➞
$50 ➞
$100 ➞
$250 ➞
$500 ➞
Other ➞

Donald Trump has a history of lying and cheating his way to victory. But if enough concerned online supporters like you step up and chip in, Joe’s campaign will have all the resources they need to ensure that they reach every voter, and we will BEAT TRUMP by the wide margin we need!

With your help, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.
How cool is that???

Joe’s team tells me that 97% of all contributions are from grassroots contributors like you.

So, please chip in $25 or whatever you can afford – and ask one other person to do the same. Help Joe’s team reach their goal of 500,000 individual donations to the Beat Trump Fund:


As we navigate these dark, difficult times, my heart is with you and your family.
Don’t lose hope. It won’t always be this hard. The wheel of history will turn in a better direction. Just do what you can, and don’t give up.


Has the pandemic affected you personally, or do you just want to take a break from emails for a couple weeks? We understand. Click here to pause emails from the campaign for a two week period.

Any donor history information in this email reflects what we have on file for this specific email address. If you have donated with a different email, with a check, or with a spouse -- thank you so much! We have that on file and cannot thank you enough for supporting this campaign.

This email was sent to stevenmagallanes520.nims@blogger.com. If we got your name or any information wrong -- we're so sorry! To update and correct your information click here. If you would like to receive fewer emails, click here. If you would like to unsubscribe, click here.

Friend, thank you so much for supporting Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign.

Change occurs because the conscience of a country begins to rise up and demand — demand change.

This isn’t the time to be complacent. If you are ready to fight for the soul of this nation, you can start by donating to elect Joe Biden by clicking the button below.


We know we send a lot of emails, and we are sorry about that. The reason? We are relying on grassroots supporters like you (we’re serious!).

But look, we don’t want to bother you. If you’d like to only receive our most important emails, click here. If you'd only like to receive volunteer emails, click here. If you’d like to unsubscribe from our emails, you can click here.

To make a contribution by mail, click here for instructions.

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.
- The entire Joe Biden for President team
Paid for by Biden for President

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