Sunday, June 28, 2020

Thank you, Steven

My campaign for president -- and the entire Democratic ecosystem -- owes folks like you a tremendous debt of gratitude.
DemocratsJoin us.

I'm reaching out personally to you today for one very important reason:

I need to say thank you, Steven.

My campaign for president -- and the entire Democratic ecosystem -- owes folks like you a tremendous debt of gratitude for all you're doing to move our party forward. Together, we have the power to win the White House and seats down the ballot, and begin to heal and transform our nation into one that works for all of us.

Not once throughout this campaign have I lost sight of who this race is actually about -- or who is the driving force behind this people-powered movement to elect Democratic leadership. It's always been folks like you, Steven, and for that I'll always be grateful, no matter the outcome of this historic election.

But I have to be completely transparent with you: We've still got an uphill battle ahead of us, and this Tuesday marks a huge turning point in the race. This Tuesday's end-of-quarter deadline is the first since I've had the honor to become our party's presumptive nominee, and it'd mean a lot to me personally if you could make a modest contribution to this fight to help hit an important fundraising goal we've set for this quarter.

Would you split your first $10 donation between my campaign and the DNC? I'm not kidding when I say that none of what we've been able to accomplish together would have been possible without folks like you chipping in through emails like this one, so I hope you'll donate what you can today.

I realize that each dollar you contribute to a campaign or a cause is a dollar you've worked hard to earn -- one that could easily be spent elsewhere. As a son of a family who often struggled to make ends meet, that fact is never lost on me. That is why I am so deeply grateful for all you've done, and continue to do, to fight this battle for the soul of our nation alongside me.

This Tuesday's deadline is a big one -- in fact, it's the most crucial deadline that our party and my campaign have faced so far in this election. We have an ambitious fundraising goal to hit to continue to grow and scale our operation, so I have to ask you:

If you can, will you make a $10 investment split between my campaign and the DNC? I can't begin to tell you how much a contribution before Tuesday's quarterly deadline would mean to me, my campaign, or the future of this country.

Thank you for all you do. Every day since this campaign began, I've been inspired by the commitment, drive, and grit of this grassroots team.

Keep the faith,


Joe Biden

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Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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