Tuesday, March 10, 2020

NEW: Indian Country Homicide and Sexual Assault Training Seminar!

U.S. Department of Justice




Dear Tribal Subscriber,


The National Indian Country Training Initiative, together with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Indian Country and Violent Crimes Unit, is pleased to announce that they are co-sponsoring the Indian Country Homicide and Sexual Assault Training Seminar. The seminar is June 8-12, 2020, at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, South Carolina.  Lodging and travel accommodations will be provided by the Department of Justice. There is no fee charged to attend this class.


This course is for prosecutors and law enforcement personnel assigned to homicide and sexual assault cases in Indian Country. Topics to be covered include the following: mechanisms of death; post-mortem changes; crime scene management, evidence collection and documentation; forensic evidence and crime lab issues; interview, interrogation, and polygraph issues; sexual assault investigations, legal issues, and victim issues in violent crime cases. The course will be primarily classroom lectures.


Please complete and submit the nomination form at the following link for each of your nominees:




Nomination forms are due by April 3, 2020.


The NICTI will review all nominations and the NICTI will send an e-mail advising nominees of their selection on or about April 13, 2020.  Selected nominees will also receive information on how to book travel and lodging.


In order to ensure that our records are correct, please type in the required information when completing the nomination forms.  Illegible and/or incomplete forms will not be considered.


Due to the increasing number of last minute cancellations, we must ask that only nominations for those who are certain to attend be submitted.


The Executive Office for United States Attorneys will provide reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities.  Requests should be made to Delores Johnson as early as possible, preferably at least two weeks in advance of the seminar.  No nominee will be excluded from a course on the basis of a disability-related accommodations request.


This training is authorized under the Government Employees Training Act. 


Any questions regarding this training seminar should be directed to Delores Johnson at

(803) 705-5123.







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