Monday, March 30, 2020

Let me explain, Steven​

If 17 more folks from Tucson can contribute, we can hit our goal.
DemocratsJoin us.

I cannot overstate this, Steven: What our party can raise between now and tomorrow's midnight FEC deadline could either make or break our chances of defeating Donald Trump come November. Let me explain:

  • Trump and the RNC have a gigantic, $500 million fundraising lead, and they're already in attack mode against Democratic candidates.
  • The only thing standing between Trump and a second term is our eventual nominee for president. That's why the DNC is building the strong party infrastructure we'll need for the general election.
  • But the strength of our party depends on whether we come together to hit tomorrow's quarterly fundraising goal -- and that starts with you, Steven.

If 17 more folks from Tucson can contribute, we can stay on track to complete the investments in organizing, data, and tech that we need to remain competitive against Trump and the RNC. These past few months have proven that there's more riding on this election than any in our history, so I'm asking you personally:

Make a $7 investment in the strength of the Democratic Party before tomorrow's deadline. By helping hit this quarterly goal, you'll put Democrats in the best possible position to win the White House, the Senate, and seats all across the country this November.

Investing in our party's grassroots was among my highest priorities when I served as DNC chair. What I knew then still rings true now: When our power comes from folks like you donating what they can -- $100, $25, or even $7 -- together we can build a powerful movement to take on the GOP and win. But our fight to defeat Trump will not be a cakewalk.

Trump filed for reelection the day he took office. That means he's had over three years to accrue a fundraising advantage the likes of which our politics have never witnessed.

As a former chair of the DNC, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that this race will be harder than any other in our lifetimes -- and as a former governor, I can't overstate the importance of winning state houses and governorships nationwide to help a Democratic president govern. As someone who cares as deeply about the future of our country as you do, I am asking you to do something important today:

Will you donate $7 to the DNC ahead of tomorrow's crucial end-of-quarter deadline? If just 17 more people from Tucson make a donation, we'll be on track to hit our goal before Q1 comes to a close.

Thanks for your unwavering support,


Terry McAuliffe
46th DNC Chair
72nd Governor of Virginia

P.S. Right now is a critical time for our party as we rapidly prepare for the general election, so anything you can give today will make an impact. Please be one of 17 more generous folks from Tucson to make a $7 investment in a strong Democratic Party ahead of tomorrow's midnight end-of-quarter deadline.

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If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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