Thursday, March 12, 2020

KHN Medicare & Aging: Coronavirus | 3D-Printed Homes | Presidential Fitness

A monthly round-up of KHN's original coverage on Medicare and aging.
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Medicare & Aging

Thursday, March 12, 2020                       Visit Kaiser Health News for the latest headlines

This email contains the latest from Kaiser Health News about Medicare, long-term care and other issues affecting seniors' quality of life and care. To view more KHN content on these topics, visit the Medicare or Aging news pages. KHN's reporting of aging and long-term care issues is produced with support from The SCAN Foundation and The John A. Hartford Foundation. Check out our resources page for related coverage.



Nursing Home Outbreak Spotlights Coronavirus Risk In Elder Care Facilities
The spread of coronavirus disease to a skilled nursing facility in Washington state underscores the risk the deadly new virus poses in elder care facilities, where illnesses caused by more common pathogens, like seasonal influenza, often spread rapidly.

Around The Corner: 3D Housing Designed
For The Homeless And Needy Seniors

  Courtesy of Icon

Tim Shea is counting the days until he can move into a new, 3D-printed house. Shea, 69, will be the first to live in one of six such rentals created by what some in the housing industry call a futuristic approach that could revolutionize home construction.

Shea is among a growing number of seniors in America who have struggled to keep affordable housing. He has, at times, been homeless. He has arthritis and manages to get around with the aid of a walker. He said he looks forward to giving up the steep ramp he's had to negotiate when entering or exiting the RV he's called home.

"I'm over the top about it," said Shea, a native of Stratford, Connecticut, who made his way to Austin in 1993. "They had an interview process where a bunch of people applied. Then I found out it was a 3D-printed home, and I was gung-ho."

The promise of 3D printing has others excited, too. As homelessness among older adults increases, a movement is afoot to use a powerful 3D printer to construct affordable and durable housing. Read more here.



Stalked by The Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You
For those worried they have an elevated risk of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, testing is an option. But words to the wise: It's hardly foolproof and could even backfire by heightening your fear of memory loss.

U.S. Medical Panel Thinks Twice About Pushing Cognitive Screening For Dementia
Because seniors are at higher risk of cognitive impairment, proponents say screening asymptomatic older adults is an important strategy to identify people who may be developing dementia and to improve their care. But the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force cited insufficient evidence the tests are helpful.


Getting To The Heart Of Presidential Fitness: How Much Do We Need To Know?
A recent cardiac health dust-up between former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Sen. Bernie Sanders focuses attention on this question.

Dental Shock: Six Pulled Teeth And One Unexpected Bill
One woman's experience with the high cost of dental care and confusing Medicare coverage offers a teachable moment for other consumers. Her small church took up a collection, but the surprise bill — four times what she expected to pay — was sent to collections.

Corralling Hard-To-Reach Voters With Traveling Voting Machines
In advance of the Super Tuesday primary, California's Los Angeles County is rotating new touch-screen voting machines among 41 locations, including adult day care centers and jails, to increase voting among populations with historically low turnout.


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