Friday, February 14, 2020

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February 14, 2020

Black History Month 2020

black history month

The History Behind Black History Month

Black History Month is a celebration of Black achievement and importance in United States history. What is now Black History Month began as "Negro History Week", established by Carter G. Woodson, a noted African American historian, scholar, educator and publisher. Woodson noticed African-American underrepresentation in United States history lessons, so in 1915 he founded the Association for the Study of African American Life and History with Jesse E. Moorland. In 1926, his organization established "Negro History Week" as the second week of February in order to encompass the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.

Black History Month with its current name and practices began in schools in the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement. Schools supporting the Civil Rights Movement in the South expanded Black History Month to a full month in order to fight the erasure of Black people from history textbooks and to advance their cause, but Black History Month became most popular in colleges and universities.

Black History Month would not be officially designated until 1976 by President Gerald Ford. Today, Black History Month can be celebrated by studying Black history, supporting Black businesses, and fighting racism, both systemically and on an interpersonal level, in your community.


2020 Legislative Session


On Thursday, February 6, Commissioners Patricia Maclay (left) and Isabel Argoti (right) attended the 2020 Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women Reception in Annapolis. We are proud to support some of MLAW's legislative priorities, namely:

  •     Strangulation-First Degree Assault ( HB233/SB212)
  •     Protective Orders - Relief Eligibility - Rape and Sexual Offenses (HB248/SB210)
  •     True Freedom Act of 2020 (HB 242/SB 206)
  •     Labor and Employment - Salary History Information Disclosures (HB 123/SB 217)
  •     Time to Care - Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (HB539/SB839)


Last week, the Maryland House of Delegates heard testimony on HB123, Labor and Employment - Salary History Information Disclosures. Commission Secretary Tiffany Boiman testified on behalf of the Commission before the House Economic Matters Committee. The Maryland State Senate heard testimony on the cross-filed bill, SB217, Labor and Employment - Salary History Information Disclosures on Thursday, February 13.

This bill prohibits employers from seeking and relying on job applicants' salary history when considering an applicant for employment or determining their wages. Additionally, it would require employers to provide the salary range for a position to a job applicant upon request.

You can watch Commissioner Boiman, along with other advocates and experts, testify for this bill by clicking here. News radio WTOP covered the hearing and included comments from Commissioner Boiman.  


Last week, the Maryland State Senate and House of Delegates heard testimony on the True Freedom Act of 2020 (HB 242/SB 206).  Commissioner Tazeen Ahmad testified on behalf of the Commission before the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. 

We are pleased to share that the True Freedom Act has passed BOTH chambers!  We will continue to keep you updated on this important legislation.


The Commission supports HB233/SB212. The Maryland State Senate heard testimony on this bill on January 29.

Non-fatal strangulation is one of the most significant risk factors for femicide. Studies have shown that prior non-fatal strangulation is associated with a six-fold increase in the chances of attempted homicide and a seven-fold increase in the changes of completed homicide. Under current law, suffocation and strangulation is classified as assault in the second degree. This bill attempts to reclassify suffocation and strangulation as assault in the first degree. This is the first time the bill is being introduced.


The Commission supports HB539/SB839. The Maryland House of Delegates Economic Matters Committee will hear this bill on February 24 at 1:00pm. 

79% of Maryland mothers are in the workforce. The burden of childcare and care-giving for ill and aging relatives disproportionately falls on women. There is no paid family or medical leave system in Maryland, which contributes to economic hardship for working people, particularly women. This bill would establish a family and medical leave insurance fund to partially replace wages for employees that take leave to care for a new child, a family member with a serious health condition, their own medical condition, or a family member's military deployment.  

The Time to Care Act of 2020 establishes a private sector Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) fund to provide partial wage replacement for through which employees may take up to 12 weeks of paid leave from their jobs to care for new children, other family members with serious health conditions or disabilities, or themselves. The leave would be funded through an insurance pool into which workers and their employers contribute.

Women's voices and votes will count this session! Keep an eye on your emails for Action Alerts regarding our priority bills.

CFW Programs

girl power 2020

Our 4th annual Girl Power Contest is coming in March.  Be ready to send in your entry!


Be sure to save the date!  We are working on a wonderful event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage. Stay tuned!


Please join us as local family law attorneys walk through the "ins" and "outs" for separation and divorce in Maryland. Topics covered include: Methods of Dispute Resolution, When and Where to File, Types of Divorce and Grounds, Financial Statements, Alimony, Property and Equitable Distribution, Role of the Attorney, and Domestic Violence/Orders of Protection.

All classes are free and are from 7 pm-8:30pm. Sign up for classes here.

March 3, 2020: Damascus Library

April 7, 2020: Chevy Chase Library

May 5, 2020: David Library

June 2, 2020: Silver Spring Library

financial health and wellness

We've partnered with Montgomery County Public Libraries to offer a series of FREE financial seminars to help walk you through the ins and outs of "all things" money. The seminars will be led by Jamie Lapin, owner of Risk Management Group, LLC. Seminars will take place at the Rockville Memorial Library in the second-floor meeting room. Topics include:

March 31:  Financial Planning 101 

Financial Planning 101: Do you know the difference between a stock and a bond? Do you recognize the need to invest to beat inflation, but are scared due to the volatility of the market? Learn the basics of financial planning, along with terms and tools to equip yourself with the knowledge you need to succeed financially.

April 7: Planning for Retirement

Planning for Retirement: Not running out of money before running out of time is most people's biggest concern. Learn how to use your assets or sources of income to invest in safety and security.  Our goal is to maximize your resources and autonomy. Because it's not just your money, it's your future. 

April 14:  Social Security and Medicare

Social Security and Medicare: Smart, strategic decision-making about Social Security and Medicare can be as important as saving, investing your assets and planning for expenses. When should you take it? When must you take it? Learn how to utilize and maximize the government programs you have invested in for your working life time.

April 28: Divorce and Money

Divorce and Money: Divorce is a strain on your finances as well as your nerves. Will you be fiscally ok when it's over? What is your role in making sure of that?

Sign up today!

The 2020 Census is almost upon us! 

The Federal Government uses Census data to allocate funding and resources. That means that every Marylander counts! 

For more information, visit




The Women's Apprenticeship Career Fair will be on Tuesday, February 25, from 11am-4pm at the East County Regional Services Center. This event is open to women, ages 18 and older. You can register for the event here.

Questions? Contact Ohniece McGilvary at

Kudos Corner

Do you know a woman who received a community award/honor or deserves kudos that you'd like for us to consider highlighting?  Let us know by e-mailing us at


Visit our Website and Facebook Page

Be sure to visit our Facebook page and our website for all the latest news and stories. Be the first to "Be in the know"!


Visit our Instagram Page

Did you know the Commission for Women was on Instagram? Check out our page and give us a follow!



Check out our LinkedIn!

Follow us on LinkedIn to see event and professional updates from the Commission! 

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