Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Tactical Approach to Make the Baldrige Framework Less Daunting

A Tactical Approach to Make the Baldrige Framework Less Daunting

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A Tactical Approach to Make the Baldrige Framework Less Daunting

A Tactical Approach to Make the Baldrige Framework Less Daunting

By Dawn Bailey

The Baldrige Excellence Framework and its Criteria can be daunting for organizations new to the performance excellence model. "When you first open that framework it can appear too complex," said Allison Carter, Director, Guidehouse (2014 Baldrige Award recipient, formerly PricewaterhouseCoopers Public Sector Practice), Washington, DC.


But at the Baldrige Program's annual Quest for Excellence® Conference in March, Carter will present some tactical tips on taking that first step in using the framework. She aims to make that barrier to entry a little bit lower.


The presentation will be "an attempt to take something really complex and simplify it a little bit so that it's more manageable and approachable by a company of any size, so that the company can pick up the framework and have a better understanding of how to get started and quickly identify key areas on which to focus," said Carter, who also serves on the Baldrige Judges Panel.


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