Tuesday, March 31, 2020

OSDH Commissioner Urges Private Labs to Report All COVID-19 Test Results Daily to State

2020NEWs Release

March 31, 2020

Jamie Dukes
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Creating a State of Health



OSDH Commissioner Urges Private Labs to Report All COVID-19 Test Results Daily to State

The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) Commissioner of Health Gary Cox sent a letter Monday to remind Oklahoma's private labs that the state earlier this month designated COVID-19 as a disease that is immediately reportable to OSDH.

In his letter, Commissioner Cox urged private labs to comply with state statute by reporting both positive COVID-19 test results and negative COVID-19 test results to ensure the agency has the full picture of the virus' impact in Oklahoma.

"The Oklahoma State Department of Health is committed to delivering as much transparent data to the public on COVID-19 as state and federal law allows, and it is critical for private labs to help us achieve this mission by reporting daily to the agency both the positive and negative COVID-19 test results to achieve a complete picture of this virus' impact,"  said Commissioner Cox. "In the past month, the state has expanded its public-private partnerships with multiple labs to process COVID-19 tests, and we appreciate how these partnerships have resulted in quicker insight to the number of positive cases throughout Oklahoma."

In the letter, Commissioner Cox reminds private labs that a failure to report COVID testing results to the OSDH is subject to civil and criminal penalties.

On Monday, OSDH began providing in the Governor's daily COVID-19 report, published by OSDH pursuant to Executive Order 2020-07, a list of agency's private lab partnerships and each lab's processing capacity for COVID-19 tests. The list can be found on page two of the following report from March 30, 2020.


This email was sent to stevenmagallanes520.nims@blogger.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Oklahoma State Department of Health · 1000 NE 10th · Oklahoma City, OK 73117· 1-800-522-0203 GovDelivery logo

GAIN Reports from Monday, March 30, 2020

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The following Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) reports were released on Monday, March 30, 2020.


Australia: Food Processing Ingredients

Australia has proven to be an appealing and profitable market for U.S. companies for many years. Apart from an extremely strict quarantine regime, it offers few barriers to entry, a familiar legal and corporate framework, and a sophisticated – yet straightforward business culture. While it is important to understand and appreciate Australia's cultural differences, the long and successful history of U.S. firms in Australia suggests the potential of this expanding market. Australia's food, beverage, and grocery sectors account for over one-third of the country's total manufacturing sector. In 2019 turnover totaled US$126 billion (A$182 billion) a rise of three percent over the previous year. The industry is comprised of over 15,325 enterprises.


China: Update to the Export Process for US Pork and Pork Products

In accordance with the U.S.-China Economic and Trade Agreement (ETA), China has implemented a number of changes to the scope and process of exporting U.S. pork and pork products to China. Key changes include facility registration, an expanded scope of products, and use of the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) Public Health Information System (PHIS) for transmitting export certification documents. This report is intended to be a general guide for U.S. exporters and is intended to complement the regulatory requirements found in the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) Export Library.

Indonesia: Food Processing Ingredients


In 2019, Indonesia's total agricultural imports reached $19.8 billion, 32 percent of total consumer-oriented product sales. The United States was the largest agricultural exporter to Indonesia, accounting for $3.2 billion, 16 percent of the total value of imports. The top U.S. agricultural exports include soybeans, cotton, feeds and fodders, wheat, dairy, distillers' grains, prepared food, fresh fruit and beef and beef products. 

Israel: Food Processing Ingredients


With over 1800 facilities, the Israeli food processing sector is an important player in the domestic economy. In 2018, Israeli food processors' annual revenue stood at $17.8 billion while the beverage and tobacco industry's annual revenue was $2.34 billion. The sector currently represents over 17 percent of Israel's total manufacturing industry's revenue and employs over 66,000 workers. With limited land and resources, as well as a growing population, the ingredients demanded by the Israeli food processing sector represent an excellent opportunity for U.S. exporters of food ingredients. In 2019, Israel imported $2.57 billion in raw food products for the food processing industry.

Israel: Grain and Feed Annual 

Israel is almost completely dependent on imports to meet its grain and feed needs. In recent years, dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) and corn gluten feed (CGF) imports have increased significantly. FAS Tel Aviv (Post) forecasts Israel's imports of wheat - primarily feed wheat - in market year (MY) 2020/21 to reach 1.79 million metric tons (MMT), up 11 percent from Post's MY 2019/20 figure. In MY 2019/20, U.S. wheat accounted for 11 percent of the market, up 4 percent from the previous year. Post forecasts Israel's imports of corn in MY 2020/21 to reach 1.74 MMT, of which 147 thousand metric tons (TMT) are expected to be of U.S.-origin. In recent years, corn imports originate mainly from Ukraine, Argentina, and Brazil. Post forecasts this increase in grain and feed imports due to expected demand by the feed sector in the Palestinian Authority (PA).


Japan: Final MAFF Guidelines for the Handling of Genome Edited Feed and Feed Additives

On February 7, 2020, Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries released the final handling procedure guidelines for genome edited feed and feed additives. This report contains a provisional translation of the guidelines.

Japan: Food Processing Ingredients


In 2019, Japan's food processing industry manufactured $219.7 billion of food and beverage products, up from $216.8 billion in 2018. Health-oriented products are rapidly increasing in popularity and frozen food consumption has significantly increased over the past decade. Additionally, there is a growing demand for convenient, ready-to-eat food options, as consumers generally cook fewer meals at home. The United States is the top agricultural supplier to Japan and has a reputation for being a reliable supplier of safe and high-quality foods.


Kyrgyzstan: Draft Amendments to Phytosanitary Regulations Notified to WTO 


On March 18, 2020, the Kyrgyz Republic notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of draft amendments to the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) regulations on phytosanitary control at the border and inside the EAEU via G/SPS/N/KGZ/12. The draft measure adds grounds for recognizing phytosanitary certificates as not confirming the necessary phytosanitary condition of imported products and returning incompliant wood packaging materials. The public comment period for the draft will close on May 17, 2020. Interested U.S. parties are encouraged to share their comments and/or concerns with USDA's enquiry point (us.spsenquirypoint@fas.usda.gov). For potential inclusion in the U.S. official position, please send your comments by May 4, 2020. 


Philippines: Food Processing Ingredients


The rapidly expanding processed food and beverage sector in the Philippines presents robust opportunities for U.S. exporters of agricultural raw materials and high-value ingredients. The industry's gross value-added output reached $35.8 billion in 2019, up 39 percent over the past five years. That being said, the immediate focus of food manufacturers and the Philippine economy more broadly is handling the outbreak of COVID-19. The Philippine government has implemented an enhanced community quarantine throughout the island of Luzon, affecting half the country's population and many of its food manufacturers. The Philippine Chamber of Food Manufacturers has acknowledged that there could be gaps in operations as the country adjusts to movement restrictions and that the top food suppliers have up to a month's worth of current stocks. 

South Korea: Food Processing Ingredients

Korea has a strong food processing industry that manufactures a wide variety of food and beverage products. It also relies heavily on imports to fulfill its food and agricultural needs. As a result, the Korean food processing industry offers an outstanding opportunity for imported agricultural products for processing use, including basic commodities such as wheat and soybean, intermediate ingredients such as vegetable oils and fruit juice concentrates, and food additives such as flavors and coloring agents. The food processing industry generated 72.8 trillion Korean Won ($66.1 billion) in sales in 2018, up four percent from 2017.


Turkey: Cotton and Products Annual

Turkish cotton planting and production for Marketing Year (MY) 2020/21 is projected to be about 480,000 hectares and 760,000 metric tons (MT) (3.5 million bales). Turkish cotton area and production for MY 2019/20 is estimated at 590,000 hectares and 800,000 MT (3.7 million bales) as weather conditions affected production and foreign exchange turmoil affected input costs. Domestic consumption in MY 2019/20 is estimated to remain similar to the previous MY at 1.55 million MT (7.1 million bales) and expected to increase a bit in MY 2020/21, reaching 1.6 million MT (7.35 million bales). These consumption estimates are subject to revision depending on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Turkish textile industry continues to be one of the leading sectors in the Turkish economy and the United States remains the top supplier of cotton to the Turkish market. 


Vietnam: Rice Trade - Monthly

The report provides trade data on Vietnam's monthly rice exports by grades and destinations, and weekly quotes for export rice by grades.



For more information, or for an archive of all FAS GAIN reports, please visit gain.fas.usda.gov/.

This email was sent to stevenmagallanes520.nims@blogger.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service · 1400 Independence Avenue, SW · Washington, DC 20250 GovDelivery logo

Two Louisiana Recreation Project Changes Finalized

Point-aux-Chenes Recreation Project and Wetlands Center Project Changes Are Final

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Two children stand on a boat holding fish they caught.

Louisiana Trustees Approve Final Changes to Two Recreational Use Projects

The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group recently approved changes to two recreational use projects, the Point-aux-Chenes Wildlife Management Area (Point-aux-Chenes WMA) Recreational Use Enhancement Project and the Wetlands Center Project. Both projects were originally selected in the July 2018 Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment #4.

Point-Aux-Chenes Wildlife Management Area Project

As evaluated in the Final Supplemental Envrionmental Assessment for the Point-aux-Chenes Wildlife Management Area Recreational Use Project, one component of the overall project, the boat launch for pirogues, kayaks, and other non-motorized vessels, will be moved from one location to another. 

Wetlands Center Project

In the Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment for the Wetlands Center Project we evaluated changes to the location of the Wetlands Center in the Town of Jean Lafitte. The project will be moved from a wetland area to another location adjacent to the town's library, multipurpose facility, and Lafitte's Barataria Museum. 

View the final approved documents at our latest Gulf Spill Restoration update. >>

This email was sent to stevenmagallanes520.nims@blogger.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud, on behalf of: NOAA Fisheries · 1315 East-West Highway · Silver Spring, MD · 20910 GovDelivery logo

RE: Buy Alert (Laggard Stock)

200% winner want the best part ? It took only 1 day !
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Dear Fellow Trader,
Today I issued Buy Alert on laggard stock (under-performing relative to Index benchmark and its peers) which has dropped more than 60% in last four week while its peers has dropped only 40%.
Today this stock went up while the market dropped more than 400 points. So this laggard stock has been finding the bottom.
This stock trade still valid till tomorrow. Your trade is waiting for you.
Sign Up Now and Get Your Trade Now!!.
.................I sent you the below email today in the morning.................
The market has been reacting positively on $2T stimulus bill since last Thursday.
I am getting ready to issue Buy Alert on laggard stocks (Under-performing relative to Index benchmark and peers). They have a lot of rooms to bounce back.
In last three weeks, You missed winners trades like Zoom Video, American Airline and Moderna Biotech. You don't want to keep winners trades.
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.................I sent you the below email yesterday.................
I want you to know that recently I recommended my premium members to buy one hot biotech stock (Moderna Inc). Moderna has been making headlines as it works on a Corona-virus vaccine.
In last three days, it has gone up more than 20%.
This is a great market to profit from Stock Trading with short term holding period.
Sign Up Now and Get Buy Alert Hot Stock. And Target Huge Profit!! you can sign up now.
.................I sent you the below email on last Friday.................
Last week, I issued stock buy alert on American Airline. Our members collected nice profit with only 1 day holding period.
Two weeks ago, I issued stock buy alert on ZOOM Video stock. It has gone up a lot since then.
Very recently, I issued stock buy alert on American Airline. It has gone up very nicely as well.
You missed to profit on both trades because you did not sign up to our stock alert program.
You don't want to miss out on rebound rally on $2T stimulus bill.
Right now laggard stocks (Under-performing relative to Index benchmark and peers) have a room to bounce back a lot.
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Hiral Ghelani
Founder & CEO
Stock Earnings
110 Wall Street, Suite 3014, New York, NY 10005
PS. Go HERE to Claim Your Spot (Expires Tonight at 11:59PM).



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U.S. Attorneys News News Update

U.S. Department of Justice
Offices of the United States Attorneys

You are subscribed to U.S. Attorneys News news updates. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

03/31/2020 12:00 AM EDT

BOSTON – A California woman was sentenced today for agreeing to pay more than $500,000 to participate in the college admissions scheme for her two children.


U.S. Department of Justice Attorney Vacancies Update

U.S. Department of Justice

You are subscribed to Attorney Vacancies for U.S. Department of Justice. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

03/31/2020 03:19 PM EDT

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
Metropolitan Correctional Center, Chicago, Illinios
Chicago, Illinois

Application Deadline: April 15, 2020

This is a primary law enforcement position. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3307, the maximum entry age of 36 has been established for initial appointment to a position in a Federal Bureau of Prisons institution.  The duties of this position may at times require frequent and direct contact with individuals in confinement who are suspected or convicted of serious criminal offenses.  It has also been determined that the duties of this position require experience and knowledge of the on-the-job responsibilities of a primary law enforcement officer  working in a detention facility.  A prerequisite requirement of this position is the completion of "Institution Familiarization", and, the satisfactory completion of a mandatory course in "Introduction to Correctional Techniques".   The training emphasizes self-defense, firearms, security, hostage situations and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Because of the nature and mission of this position, it requires "hands-on" understanding of the operating problems encompassed in working within an institution.  The incumbent may be called on to perform as a law enforcement officer in a correctional environment during training, emergency situations, times of staff shortages and under any other type of correctional operating crisis.  Specific correctional responsibilities may include custody and supervision of inmates, responding to emergencies and institution disturbances, participating in fog and escape patrols, and assuming correctional officer posts when necessary.  The incumbent may be required to shakedown inmates and conduct visual searches in their work or living area for contraband.  The incumbent must be prepared to use physical control in situations where necessary, such as in fights among inmates, assaults on staff and riots or escape attempts.


U.S. Department of Justice Twitter Update

U.S. Department of Justice

You are subscribed to Twitter for U.S. Department of Justice. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.


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