Monday, May 2, 2022

The Morning: Learning more

Why did U.S. schools make so much progress in the 1990s and early 2000s?

Good morning. Why did U.S. schools make so much progress in the 1990s and early 2000s?

Students' reading and math skills have improved since the 1990s.Sarah Blesener for The New York Times

Learning more

Readers of this newsletter know that we try to avoid bad-news bias. My colleagues and I cover plenty of worrisome stories here, but we also want to make sure we're covering encouraging ones. The world is full of both, after all.

Today, I'm going to focus on a positive and mostly overlooked trend in American education. For years, you've probably been hearing that our schools are in crisis. And K-12 education in the U.S. certainly has problems. But it has also been improving for much of the past few decades, according to several crucial metrics.

Starting in the late 1990s, the math skills of students in elementary and middle schools began to improve. A few years later, reading skills started improving, too.

Here are the average results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress for fourth graders and eighth graders since 1996:

Source: NAEP, via Brookings Institution

And here are measures of racial inequality from the math portion of the same test. As you can see, gaps between white students and students of color declined in the 1990s and early 2000s:

Source: NAEP, via Brookings Institution

Racial gaps in reading skills also shrunk during this period.

As Thomas Kane, a Harvard professor of education and economics, says about the recent educational progress, "It may be the most important social policy success of the last half century that nobody seems to be aware of."

Accountability and money

There appear to be two main causes.

First, many states began to emphasize school accountability starting in the 1990s. Massachusetts, North Carolina, Texas and other states more rigorously measured student learning and pushed struggling schools to adopt approaches that were working elsewhere. The accountability movement went national in the 2000s, through laws signed by George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

The timing of the test-score increases is consistent with this story, as researchers at the Brookings Institution have noted. As you can see in the charts above, the biggest gains came shortly after states began holding schools more accountable for student learning. In more recent years, the gains leveled off. This pattern suggests that schools made some important changes in response to accountability policies but then struggled to maintain the pace of improvement.

A second major cause of increased learning seems to have been school funding: It rose during the 1990s and early 2000s. States with especially sharp increases included Michigan, Nebraska, New York and Vermont, according to Kenneth Shores of the University of Delaware and Christopher Candelaria of Vanderbilt.

Typically, the funding increases were larger for low-income schools than for high-income schools. That may help explain why racial gaps in reading and math skills declined.

"Exposure to higher levels of public K-12 spending when you're in school has a pretty large beneficial effect on the adult outcomes of kids," Kirabo Jackson, an economist at Northwestern University, has said. "Those effects are much more pronounced for children from low-income families."

Of course, there are caveats to the recent trends in educational progress. The racial gaps, while smaller, are still large. Reading scores did not rise as much as math scores (perhaps because reading is more heavily influenced by students' lives outside of school, while math is mostly taught at school). High-school test scores did not rise as much as middle-school or elementary-school scores. And some forms of accountability backfired, leading schools to focus more on test-taking than on actual learning.

Better lives

Yet the overall trend — American children learning more — was enormously positive. Education often changes people's lives. One study in Texas, for example, found that improvements in previously struggling schools led students there to become more likely to graduate from both high school and college and to earn more at age 25.

Broader research offers a similar message. The pay gap between college graduates and everybody else is near a record high. More educated Americans are more likely to be in stable relationships and to be happy with their lives and less likely to suffer from loneliness, chronic pain and alcohol and drug abuse.

These differences have long existed, but they have widened significantly in recent decades, as the economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton documented in their 2020 book "Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism."

That's why the improvement in American schooling during the 1990s and early 2000s was a cause for celebration, as Kane says. It deserved to be a major news story, even if it wasn't one.

By now, I imagine that some of you are thinking: But what has happened to these trends during the pandemic? In another newsletter this week, I will try to answer that question.


Natalia Popko fled attacks in Mariupol.Lynsey Addario for The New York Times
War in Ukraine
The Virus
A nearly empty highway in Shanghai last week. The New York Times
A real-estate agent showing a home in Spokane, Wash., where housing prices have risen significantly.Rajah Bose for The New York Times
Other Big Stories

Robert Rubin and Jacob Lew, two former Treasury secretaries, make the case for a narrower child tax credit.

Neglecting rural America is hurting the Democratic Party, Chloe Maxmin, a Maine state senator, and Canyon Woodward write.

If Republicans want fewer abortions, they should support more family-friendly policies, Margaret Renkl argues.

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Serena Williams at the 2021 Met Gala.Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

The Oscars of fashion returns

The first Monday in May means it's time for the Met Gala. Officially, the event is a black-tie fund-raiser for the Metropolitan Museum's Costume Institute. Unofficially, the gala is the Super Bowl of fashion, where famous people attempt to one-up each other on the red carpet. (Their efforts are often trumped by the presence of Rihanna, who is the event's sartorial queen.)

If it feels like the last Met Gala was only yesterday, that's because 2021's edition was held in September (blame the pandemic). That event unveiled part one of an exhibition on American fashion at the Costume Institute. This year's gala — co-hosted by Regina King, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds — opens part two of the show. The dress code is "gilded glamour."

"Think Astors, Vanderbilts, Whitneys and Edith Wharton books," Vanessa Friedman writes. Expect a lot of people to show up dripping in gold. — Sanam Yar, a Morning writer


What to Cook
David Malosh for The New York Times. Food Stylist: Simon Andrews.
What to Read

The golden age of air travel gets a reality check in two new books by industry insiders.

What to Watch

In the sitcom "I Love That for You," the "Saturday Night Live" veteran Vanessa Bayer draws on her experience of childhood cancer.

Now Time to Play

The pangram from yesterday's Spelling Bee was munchkin. Here is today's puzzle — or you can play online.

Here's today's Wordle. Here's today's Mini Crossword and a clue: Thumbs-down votes (four letters).

If you're in the mood to play more, find all our games here.

Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. — David

P.S. The Times's Peter Baker will discuss Russia's war with Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, today at noon Eastern.

"The Daily" is about the revival of union membership in the U.S. On "Sway," Ray Dalio discusses China's economic rise.

Natasha Frost, Claire Moses, Ian Prasad Philbrick, Tom Wright-Piersanti, Ashley Wu and Sanam Yar contributed to The Morning. You can reach the team at

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Déclaration du président Joe Biden et de la première dame Jill Biden à l’occasion de l’Aïd el-Fitr

Department of State United States of America

Traduction fournie par le département d'État des États-Unis à titre gracieux

La Maison-Blanche
Le 1er mai 2022

Alors que les musulmanes et les musulmans des États-Unis et du monde entier terminent le mois de ramadan et célèbrent l'Aïd el-Fitr, Jill et moi adressons nos vœux les plus chaleureux à toutes celles et à tous ceux qui célèbrent cette joyeuse fête.

L'Aïd marque la fin d'un mois sacré consacré à la dévotion et à la réflexion, au cours duquel les familles et les communautés se réunissent pour célébrer leurs bénédictions. L'Aïd est également l'occasion pour les musulmans de se souvenir des personnes qui luttent ou sont touchées par la pauvreté, la faim, les conflits et les maladies, et de s'engager à nouveau à construire un avenir meilleur pour tous.

Cette année, à l'occasion de l'Aïd el-Fitr, nous portons dans nos cœurs les millions de personnes déplacées et de réfugiés du monde entier qui passent cette fête sacrée séparés de leurs familles et sans certitude quant à leur avenir, mais qui espèrent toujours des lendemains meilleurs. En tant que nation, nous devons toujours garder la foi avec ceux qui cherchent une vie meilleure, et respecter notre engagement à servir de lueur d'espoir pour les personnes opprimées partout dans le monde. Alors que les musulmanes et les musulmans des États-Unis célèbrent l'Aïd, renouvelons notre attachement à notre engagement fondamental à respecter toutes les croyances et les convictions.

Le Saint Coran exhorte les individus à défendre fermement la justice et nous rappelle que nous avons été créés en tant que nations et tribus afin que nous puissions nous connaître les uns les autres. La tradition de la liberté de religion pour tous renforce notre pays, et nous continuerons de travailler avec les Américaines et les Américains de toutes les croyances et de toutes les origines pour préserver et approfondir notre engagement collectif envers ce principe fondamental. Cette année, nous reprendrons la tradition de célébrer l'Aïd à la Maison-Blanche et d'honorer les Américaines et Américains de confession musulmane qui s'efforcent d'améliorer la compréhension et l'unité dans notre pays.

À toutes les personnes qui le célèbrent, Jill et moi vous souhaitons, ainsi qu'à vos proches, un joyeux Aïd. Que l'esprit de communauté, de compassion et de service dont nous avons été témoins durant le mois puisse se poursuivre tout au long de l'année. Aïd Moubarak !

Voir le contenu d'origine :

Nous vous proposons cette traduction à titre gracieux. Seul le texte original en anglais fait foi.


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