| Alpesh Patel Trading Champion |
With all that's going on in the world, smart investors are looking for diversification. It's time to look beyond the U.S. and broaden our exposure to growing markets in other parts of the world. That's why this week's Stock of the Week is off the beaten path. [Details on the top 4 stocks to BUY NOW. Don't put another dime in the markets until you watch this.] While it trades on the U.S. market, the company I've found for this week operates in a fast-growing economic region. It has good numbers, meets my growth-value-income metrics and, best of all, has been around for a heck of a long time. With a history of profitability through up and down market cycles... it's got the stability investors need in uncertain times. The fact that it's up more than 40% this year is just icing on the cake. Get all the details on the company - including its ticker - in this week's Stock of the Week. Click here or on the image below to watch it. Happy hunting, Alpesh Want more content like this? | | |
Alpesh Patel | Trading ChampionAlpesh Patel is an award-winning hedge fund and private equity fund manager, international bestselling author, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Praefinium Partners, a Financial Times top FTSE 100 forecaster, and a senior Dealmaker in the U.K.'s Department for International Trade. As a recognized authority on fintech, online trading and venture capital, his past and current client list includes American Express, Merrill Lynch HSBC, Charles Schwab, Goldman Sachs, Barclays... and more. | |