Thursday, October 1, 2020

Today's Headlines: G.O.P. Alarmed by Trump’s Comments on Extremist Group, Fearing a Drag on the Party

Tuesday's Debate Made Clear the Gravest Threat to the Election: The President Himself
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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Top News

G.O.P. Alarmed by Trump's Comments on Extremist Group, Fearing a Drag on the Party

G.O.P. Alarmed by Trump's Comments on Extremist Group, Fearing a Drag on the Party

By Alexander Burns, Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman

For the second time in two weeks, Republicans distanced themselves from the president, expressing unease about his failure to disavow a right-wing organization linked with white supremacy and acts of violence.

Tuesday's Debate Made Clear the Gravest Threat to the Election: The President Himself

News Analysis

Tuesday's Debate Made Clear the Gravest Threat to the Election: The President Himself

By David E. Sanger

President Trump's unwillingness to say he would abide by the result and his disinformation campaign about election fraud went beyond anything President Vladimir V. Putin could have imagined.

Ski, Party, Seed a Pandemic: The Travel Rules That Let Covid-19 Take Flight

Behind the Curve

Ski, Party, Seed a Pandemic: The Travel Rules That Let Covid-19 Take Flight

By Selam Gebrekidan, Katrin Bennhold, Matt Apuzzo and David D. Kirkpatrick

The World Health Organization said open borders would help fight disease. Experts, and a global treaty, emphatically agreed. But the scientific evidence was never behind them.

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Editors' Picks

What I Learned Inside the N.B.A. Bubble

Magazine | Feature

What I Learned Inside the N.B.A. Bubble

By Sam Anderson

Against all odds, it really was a refuge of competence, normalcy and transcendent play. But the outside world has a way of sneaking in.

A Debate That Can't Be Ignored


A Debate That Can't Be Ignored

By The Editorial Board

Americans need to face the man who is their president.

Today's Videos

Biden Says Trump Is Trying to 'Scare' Voters

Video Video: Biden Says Trump Is Trying to 'Scare' Voters

By Reuters

During the first presidential debate on Tuesday, President Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr. sparred over the integrity of the election and mail-in ballots.

Coronavirus Clusters Cause Uptick in N.Y.C. Positivity Rate

Video Video: Coronavirus Clusters Cause Uptick in N.Y.C. Positivity Rate

By The New York Times

Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York reported a slight uptick in the city's seven-day coronavirus positivity rate, to 1.46 percent, and said nearly 1,000 city employees would be deployed to curb outbreaks in nine target ZIP codes.

Republicans' Mixed Reviews on Trump's Refusal to Condemn White Supremacy

Video Video: Republicans' Mixed Reviews on Trump's Refusal to Condemn White Supremacy

By The Associated Press

President Trump's refusal to explicitly condemn white supremacy during the first presidential debate drew muted concern from some Republicans on Capitol Hill, while others defended his remarks.

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Les États-Unis et le Saint-Siège : promouvoir la liberté de culte et défendre la dignité humaine

Department of State United States of America

Traduction fournie par le département d'État des États-Unis à titre gracieux

Pour diffusion immédiate

English English

Département d'État des États-Unis
Bureau de la porte-parole
Le 30 septembre 2020
Fiche d'information


« Sur les questions de la dignité humaine et de la liberté de culte, ces questions qui transcendent la politique quotidienne, sur la lutte permanente pour le droit individuel à la croyance et au culte, nous devons marcher ensemble, et je sais que nous le ferons. »

 – Michael R. Pompeo, secrétaire d'État des États-Unis, le 2 octobre 2019

Le secrétaire d'État M. Pompeo se rendra au Vatican et participera à un symposium intitulé « Promouvoir et défendre la liberté de religion dans le monde par le biais de la diplomatie », organisé par l'ambassade des États-Unis auprès du Saint-Siège le 30 septembre 2020. Au cours de sa visite, le secrétaire rencontrera le cardinal Pietro Parolin, secrétaire d'État du Vatican, et l'archevêque Paul Gallagher, secrétaire aux relations avec les États, pour discuter des nombreuses façons dont les États-Unis et le Saint-Siège travaillent ensemble pour faire progresser la paix, la liberté et la dignité humaine dans le monde.


  • Les États-Unis et le Saint-Siège ont célébré 35 ans de relations diplomatiques officielles en 2019. Notre partenariat reste aujourd'hui plus fort que jamais, fondé sur des valeurs communes, un respect mutuel et un leadership moral. Nous nous réjouissons de poursuivre notre partenariat avec le Saint-Siège pour protéger et promouvoir les droits de l'homme, faire progresser la liberté de culte, lutter contre la traite des êtres humains et rechercher des solutions pacifiques aux crises dans le monde entier.
  • Le Saint-Siège a des relations diplomatiques officielles avec 183 pays et une influence morale auprès de plus de 1,3 milliard de catholiques dans le monde, ainsi qu'auprès de millions de non-catholiques. Partenaire important, présent dans le monde entier, le Saint-Siège peut transmettre des messages et aider les gens dans des endroits que d'autres acteurs peinent à atteindre.
  • Avec le soutien des États-Unis, des organisations religieuses catholiques ont dispensé des soins de santé de base et ont fourni des produits de première nécessité aux personnes les plus vulnérables, en particulier lors de l'urgence liée à la COVID-19. Dans le monde, quelque 5 000 hôpitaux catholiques et plus de 16 000 dispensaires confessionnels complètent et renforcent les actions des gouvernements pour fournir des soins de santé à tous, en particulier aux personnes vulnérables.
  • Toute personne mérite le droit de pratiquer librement son culte sans être menacée de persécution et d'ingérence politique. Le maintien du droit à la liberté de culte représente non seulement une nécessité morale, mais aussi un impératif de sécurité nationale pour les États-Unis. Les gouvernements qui font respecter la liberté de culte sont plus sûrs, plus prospères et plus fiables.
  • Les États-Unis sont aux côtés du Saint-Siège pour encourager la liberté de culte et la tolérance par le biais du dialogue interreligieux. Les États-Unis se réjouissent de continuer à travailler avec le pape François et le Vatican pour faire progresser le dialogue interconfessionnel et la liberté de culte.


  • Le symposium de l'ambassade des États-Unis auprès du Saint-Siège, « Promouvoir et défendre la liberté de religion dans le monde par le biais de la diplomatie », est l'occasion de mettre en évidence le soutien du gouvernement des États-Unis aux minorités religieuses persécutées, notamment en Chine et au Moyen-Orient. Il mettra également l'accent sur les nombreuses façons dont les États-Unis collaborent avec le Saint-Siège et les organisations religieuses, et il réaffirmera l'engagement des États-Unis à promouvoir et à défendre la liberté de religion partout dans le monde.
  • Ce symposium fait suite à la participation du secrétaire d'État au symposium de l'ambassade des États-Unis auprès du Saint-Siège de 2019, intitulé « Des chemins pour accomplir la dignité humaine : partenariat entre organisations confessionnelles. » Cet événement a mis en lumière le travail important des organisations religieuses pour promouvoir la liberté de culte, combattre la traite des êtres humains et fournir une aide humanitaire dans le monde entier.

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Déplacement au Mali de l’envoyé spécial pour la région du Sahel, le Dr J. Peter Pham

Department of State United States of America

Traduction fournie par le département d'État des États-Unis à titre gracieux

Pour diffusion immédiate

English English

Département d'État des États-Unis
Bureau de la porte-parole
Le 30 septembre 2020


L'envoyé spécial pour la région du Sahel, le Dr J. Peter Pham, se rendra à Bamako, au Mali, du 30 septembre au 3 octobre. L'envoyé spécial y rencontrera le gouvernement de transition ainsi que des leaders de la société civile, des chefs religieux et des fonctionnaires des Nations unies, de l'Union africaine, du G5 Sahel et de la communauté diplomatique. Il exhortera le gouvernement de transition à honorer ses engagements envers la Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO), notamment la tenue d'élections libres et équitables dans les 18 mois. Il encouragera également les efforts pour lutter contre la corruption, répondre aux préoccupations relatives aux droits de l'homme, réformer les processus électoraux et mettre en œuvre l'Accord de 2015 pour la paix et la réconciliation au Mali.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

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USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for Arizona for 9/30/2020

Hello ,

Here are your newest search results for Arizona for 9/30/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.

Social Worker

Department: Department of Health And Human Services
Agency:Indian Health Service
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Pinon, Arizona
Salary: $64,009.00 to $83,210.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0185-11
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-21
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Competitive service, Native Americans


Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Hiring Organization: U.S. Border Patrol
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Tucson, Arizona
Salary: $77,541.00 to $100,808.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1896-12
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Internal to an agency

Supervisory Mission Support Specialist (Logistics)

Department: Department of Homeland Security
Agency:Customs and Border Protection
Hiring Organization: U.S. Border Patrol
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Yuma, Arizona
Salary: $91,231.00 to $118,603.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0301-13
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Veterans


Department: Department of Defense
Agency:Defense Information Systems Agency
Hiring Organization: Multiple Defense Information Systems Agencies
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $48,670.00 to $77,396.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GG-2210-7/9
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2021-09-29
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Recent graduates


Department: Department of Defense
Agency:Defense Information Systems Agency
Hiring Organization: Multiple Defense Information System Agency Locations
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $48,670.00 to $77,396.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GG-2210-7/9
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2021-09-29
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Recent graduates


Department: Department of the Air Force
Agency:Air Education and Training Command
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Few vacancies - Luke AFB, Arizona
Salary: $44,806.00 to $58,244.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0303-7
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Family of overseas employees, Competitive service, Excepted service, Individuals with disabilities, Land & base management, Military spouses, Peace Corps & AmeriCorps Vista, Veterans

Intelligence Specialist (ICD)

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
Hiring Organization: USA Intell CTR & Fort Huachuca, Capabilities Dev & Integ Capabilities Mngr - Formations Intell
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Fort Huachuca, Arizona
Salary: $77,541.00 to $100,808.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GG-0132-12
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Competitive service, Excepted service, Open to the public, Veterans

Management and Program Analyst

Department: Department of the Treasury
Agency:Internal Revenue Service
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - IRS Nationwide Locations, United States
Salary: $107,807.00 to $170,800.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0343-14
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-14T00:00:00Z
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Competitive service, Internal to an agency


Department: Department of the Treasury
Agency:Internal Revenue Service
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 2 vacancies - IRS Nationwide Locations, United States
Salary: $91,231.00 to $141,676.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0343-13
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-14T00:00:00Z
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Internal to an agency


Department: Department of the Air Force
Agency:Air Combat Command
Hiring Organization: A4C
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): vacancies - Davis Monthan AFB, Arizona
Salary: $77,541.00 to $100,808.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0810-12
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Military spouses

We only include up to 10 new search results in this email. To view the complete list of search results, please visit the USAJOBS website at View All Opportunities.

This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

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U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW. Washington, DC 20415

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USAJOBS Daily Saved Search Results for alaska for 9/30/2020

Hello ,

Here are your newest search results for alaska for 9/30/2020.

Some jobs listed in this email may no longer be available-the job may have been canceled or may have closed. Click the link for each job to see the full job announcement.

Information Technology Specialist (Information Security)

Department: Department of Energy
Agency:Department of Energy
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $52,905.00 to $170,800.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-2210-09/15
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2021-01-29T00:00:00Z
Position Information: Multiple Appointment Types - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Open to the public

Information Technology Cybersecurity Specialist

Department: Department of Energy
Agency:Department of Energy
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $76,721.00 to $170,800.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-2210-12/15
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2021-01-29T00:00:00Z
Position Information: Multiple Appointment Types - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Open to the public


Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Medical Command
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Fort Wainwright, Alaska
Salary: $59,165.00 to $76,915.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0698-9
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-09
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Open to the public

Recreation Management Specialist

Department: Department of Agriculture
Agency:Forest Service
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Wrangell, Alaska
Salary: $48,368.00 to $76,915.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0301-7/9
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Individuals with disabilities, Land & base management, Military spouses, Peace Corps & AmeriCorps Vista, Special authorities, Veterans


Department: Department of the Air Force
Agency:Pacific Air Forces
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Few vacancies - Elmendorf AFB, Alaska
Salary: $60,798.00 to $75,304.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0083-7
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Family of overseas employees, Competitive service, Excepted service, Individuals with disabilities, Land & base management, Military spouses, Peace Corps & AmeriCorps Vista, Veterans


Department: Department of the Air Force
Agency:Pacific Air Forces
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): FEW vacancies - Elmendorf AFB, Alaska
Salary: $62,527.00 to $72,982.00 / PA
Series and Grade: WG-5767-8
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Seasonal - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Excepted service, Land & base management, Military spouses, Veterans

Supervisory Housing Management Specialist

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:Army Installation Management Command
Hiring Organization: Directorate of Public Works Housing Division
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Fort Wainwright, Alaska
Salary: $102,026.00 to $132,637.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-1173-13
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Land & base management, Military spouses, Special authorities, Veterans

Information Technology (IT) Specialist (System Administration / Information Security)

Department: Department of the Army
Agency:U.S. Army Medical Command
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Fort Richardson, Alaska
Salary: $72,853.00 to $94,710.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-2210-9
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Internal to an agency

Electronics Technician

Department: Department of Transportation
Agency:Federal Aviation Administration
Hiring Organization: ATO, Tech Ops Services, Ops Support, Spectrum Engineering Services Group, AJW-1C
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): Many vacancies - Multiple Locations
Salary: $82,632.00 to $128,103.00 / PA
Series and Grade: FV-0856-J
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-20
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Internal to an agency


Department: Department of the Air Force
Agency:Pacific Air Forces
Hiring Organization: 611 CES/CEIE
Number of Job Opportunities & Location(s): 1 vacancy - Elmendorf AFB, Alaska
Salary: $114,116.00 to $147,498.00 / PA
Series and Grade: GS-0020/0401/0819/1301-12
Open Period: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-06
Position Information: Permanent - Full-Time
Who May Apply: Career transition (CTAP, ICTAP, RPL), Competitive service, Excepted service, Land & base management, Military spouses, Veterans

We only include up to 10 new search results in this email. To view the complete list of search results, please visit the USAJOBS website at View All Opportunities.

This saved search will expire on 12/31/2020.

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1900 E Street NW. Washington, DC 20415

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