Saturday, August 1, 2020

Biden's big decision: Four ways his running mate could help - or hurt - the Democratic ticket

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Aug 01, 2020
Biden's big decision: Four ways his running mate could help - or hurt - the Democratic ticket

We know Joe Biden's vice presidential pick will be female, that the announcement is coming soon and leading contenders have emerged, including Sen. Kamala Harris, Rep. Karen Bass and Susan Rice, among others.

Does he need a "hail Mary" pick like John McCain made in choosing Sarah Palin, or will he look to unify the party, show his independence or think about an experienced partner for governing? NBC's Steve Kornacki looks at choices by past presidential nominees that have gone right — and terribly wrong.

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OPINION: The harsh truth at the center of Kanye West's erratic, offensive 2020

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Aug 01, 2020
OPINION: The harsh truth at the center of Kanye West's erratic, offensive 2020

Kanye West, who has bipolar disorder, has been heavily mocked and criticized after several erratic public appearances and a presidential campaign, Nylah Burton, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder seven years ago, writes for NBC News THINK.

Society has encouraged people to be open about their mental health struggles, but hasn't begun to discuss how to support people with unpleasant and even offensive symptoms.The criticisms of West are a reminder that the world remains both confused and often disgusted by people with severe mental illness, writes Burton, who says demanding a mea culpa while the rapper is in crisis is harmful.

For more expert cultural analysis, sign up for the weekly THINK newsletter here.

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