Sunday, April 30, 2023

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U.S. Department of Justice Attorney Vacancies Update

The United States Department of Justice

You are subscribed to Attorney Vacancies for U.S. Department of Justice. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

04/30/2023 09:49 PM EDT

United States Trustee Program (USTP)
Miami, FL
Miami, Florida
Announcement #: TRIAL ATTORNEY-MIAMI-04-2023
Application Deadline: May 31, 2023

The USTP is seeking an attorney experienced in litigation practice and bankruptcy law to oversee bankruptcy cases filed in the federal judicial districts covered by the Region and/or field office, litigate enforcement matters on behalf of the Program, oversee private trustees, handle appellate matters, and refer criminal conduct identified in connection with bankruptcy case oversight. The Program seeks to hire and cultivate talented trial attorneys and provides them with frequent and meaningful court experience on a variety of issues arising in bankruptcy cases.

The typical duties of a field office Trial Attorney include:

  • Oversee the administration of bankruptcy cases filed in the judicial districts served by the Region and the field office;
  • Litigate issues arising in chapter 11 proceedings, including those involving corporate governance, and issues arising in employment applications, fee applications, disclosure statements, and plan confirmation matters;
  • Litigate civil enforcement matters arising in consumer bankruptcy cases, including discharge objections, dismissal proceedings involving debtors' ability to repay creditors, attorney misconduct matters, and non-attorney document preparation servicer misconduct;
  • Assist with appellate matters arising in the Region and district;
  • Partner with the Executive Office and the United States Trustee on issues of national importance to enhance the Program's mission locally, and to help develop and implement policies and strategies designed to faithfully execute a uniform application of bankruptcy law;
  • Supervise private trustees in the Region who administer bankruptcy cases filed under chapters 7, 13, 11 (subchapter 5), and 12 of the Bankruptcy Code;
  • Work with Program bankruptcy auditors, paralegals, and support staff in the Region;
  • Work with the Program's federal and state law enforcement partners to report criminal activity identified through bankruptcy case oversight;
  • Provide outreach to interested constituents and those involved in the bankruptcy system, such as the bankruptcy court, the bar, and other federal and state agencies; and
  • Work on other national projects and priorities, as assigned.


Why this new A.I. stock system has so much predictive power

Editor’s note: When we find something happening in the investing world that could help you make big money in the markets, we like to pass it along. Well, this is one of those instances. But, this time, it’s absolutely revolutionary. Earlier this week, a financial tech company called TradeSmith launched an A.I. forecasting they call An-E (pronounced Annie, short for Analytical Engine)… and what it can do could quite possibly reshape the entire landscape of the financial industry. Check out this media briefing from TradeSmith’s CEO, Keith Kaplan, below about the launch of this ground-breaking new A.I. algorithm.

Matthew Clark
Chief Research Analyst, Money & Markets

Dear Loyal Reader,

It’s not often a technology comes around that completely changes society AND has the ability to help folks become better investors. 

The internet comes to mind… but it’s hard to think of too many other instances. 

Well, now a new innovation has come along that fulfills both those criteria… 

A.I. (or Artificial Intelligence). 

You see, when you use A.I. to invest, it’s like having 100,000 financial analysts at your fingertips. 

And, as a result, you can predict what’s going to happen with stock prices with stunning accuracy. 

This is why TradeSmith has spent the last six years developing its own cutting-edge A.I. driven stock forecasting system called An-E (pronounced Annie, short for Analytical Engine). 

Just take a look at what An-E’s capable of… 

Here’s one of its predictions of a company called Ball Corp (the red “X” represents when An-E made its prediction and the blue circles represent its predictions two weeks, one month, and two months into the future)…

Click here if you are unable to see the image.

Here’s what actually happened (the green line represents what the stock price actually did over the next two months)… 

Click here if you are unable to see the image.

As you can see, An-E’s prediction was nearly spot on! 

Here’s another example… 

This is a company called Ameren Corp… 

This is An-E’s prediction… 

Click here if you are unable to see the image.

And this is the result…

Click here if you are unable to see the image.

Again, nearly spot on. 

And those are only two examples. There are many more just like them. 

This kind of accuracy wouldn’t have been possible without A.I. 

But here at TradeSmith, we’ve found a way to harness it and put it into your hands. 

We went over all the details of An-E, our breakthrough A.I.- driven, market forecasting this week in our The A.I. Predictive Power Event

The Replay is available NOW but only for a limited time. Click here to view it.


Keith Kaplan 
CEO, TradeSmith 


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