Sunday, January 31, 2021

'Prisoners of the Ghostland' Review: A Match Made in Heaven — or Post-Apocalyptic Hell

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February 01, 2021

'Prisoners of the Ghostland' Review: A Match Made in Heaven -- or Post-Apocalyptic Hell

The combination of Nicolas Cage and Sion Sono is so weird, fans of either eccentric may not even mind how bad the movie is.

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How a small, mostly rural Appalachian state became a national leader in Covid vaccination

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Jan 31, 2021
How a small, mostly rural Appalachian state became a national leader in Covid vaccination

West Virginia, a small and mostly rural state with a large elderly population, was tagged early on as a place likely to struggle with Covid-19 and any vaccine rollout. But the state is now being hailed as a vaccination success story, with 85 percent of its delivered doses already used, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Here's how the unique characteristics of the Appalachian state — known for country roads, a dying coal industry and a low overall health ranking — aided its Covid-19 response.

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